How To Get Stronger 3D Printed Objects

Posted by Andy Hathway
Jun 2, 2018

Structural integrity of a 3D printed object is one of the major attributes. Especially, if you wish to print objects that are durable enough and do not collapse, you need to build them strong.

For instance, if you wish to build an object such as a pen holder from even a cheap 3D printer, you can get it strong enough with some very effective considerations. Here are 3 important aspects which you should ensure to obtain optimum strength:

Layer Direction:

Layer direction is not normally taken into account, but holds its importance when you need to build a strong object.

Mostly, the layers are deposited in a horizontal manner since this is highly effective to resist the stresses. However, if the stresses occur from some different direction, such as from a side, at an angle or underside, your object may get affected by a force called shearing.

So while you 3D print an object with a desktop 3D printer, ensure the direction from which the force occurs. And with this, you can build a strong 3D object which is capable of resisting the stresses and forces etc.


A very important aspect that affects the strength of a 3D printed object is its print density.

The software which you use for 3D printing will contain an option known as Fill Density. The Fill Density is normally set to 20% by default and with this the objects created would be more light in weight, rapid to print, but with less structural integrity.

And in order to get objects with more durability, you can increase the Fill Density to anywhere till 100%.

In this, though the objects would take more time to get printed, but it ensures absolute stability, durability and strength.

Choice Of 3D Printing Material:

For strong and durable 3D objects, you need high-quality 3D printing materials too. For the best stability, the objects used commonly are:

·       ABS:Can build reasonably strong objects, but these are not suitable for heavy uses

·       ABS-Like:These are generally pricier than ABS, but ensure high durability and heavy usage.

·       Nylon: This 3D printing material is a bit more expensive than others, but is highly suitable for heavy-use objects and those which need to be aesthetically appealing

So it’s not always the high 3D printer cost that ensures getting objects of high structural integrity. In fact, you can use the above settings in the equipment, which would definitely help you get better and strong 3D printed objects.
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