How to get rid of the stubborn coffee stain from your sleeping bed mattress?

Posted by Angela Hooper
May 2, 2020

We all tend to spend around 8 to 9 hours on our sleeping bed mattress every night, right? As a result of this, there are possibilities that your mattress may get stains that basically come from your perspiration and body oil.

At times, we may inadvertently spill coffee on our sleeping bed mattress which has to be immediately cleaned so that stains don’t become a permanent mark.

Did you know the fact that stains can even revoke your warranty which you get when you buy mattress? There is no denying the fact mattresses are considered to be one of the most important investments and surely you will not want to risk losing the warranty on it.

In this post, we shall be discussing in details how to get rid of the stubborn coffee stains and keep our sleeping mattress pristine cleaning without damaging it.

Coffee Stains:

It can happen to anyone that while having coffee we accidently spill the same on our mattress. Here we will discuss how you can get rid of the coffee stains:

Steps to remove stubborn coffee stains from your sleeping bed mattress:

  • The moment you spill the coffee don’ try to panic. Try to look out for a towel to soak the spilled coffee immediately before it goes too deep in the inner layers of the mattress.

  • After that, get a dry cotton cloth and damp it in the lukewarm water.

  • Try to discolour the stain right from the edges and make sure you move your hands towards inside so as to avoid spreading of the stain in other area of the mattress

  • Now, take another clean dry cotton cloth and soak it in a solution made from vinegar and liquid dish soap

  • Continue discolouring process, right from the ends as you did before

  • In case you added sugar or cream in your coffee, then you have to blob a mix of laundry cleaner and warm water on the mark

  • After this, you have to allow the solution to sit on the stain for at least 5 minutes

  • Now, again pat a fresh wet cloth to remove the laundry detergent

  • In the end, try to make the spot dry by using a clean towel

What are the best ways that you can adopt to avoid staining your mattress again in the future?

You can indeed prevent getting this stubborn stain simply by becoming more cautious. However, other type of stains that come from your body sweat still can’t be avoided provided:

Making use of a good quality mattress protector

When you decide to buy mattress, always make sure you buy a good quality mattress protector. Broadly speaking, mattress protectors are waterproof which means that your body sweat will not seep deep into your mattress while sleeping.

You can easily wash them in your machining machine on a delicate cycle almost in every two weeks.

Periodically change side of your bed mattress

By periodically changing sides of your bed mattress once in every two to three months can even help you in getting rid of the sweat and body oil marks. Broadly speaking, changing sides of the mattress will ensure that you are sleeping on different areas of the mattress which further helps in reduction in accumulation of stain in one area.

Why you should try to clean your bed mattress?

Your mattress can become a hotspot for the allergens if you are someone who doesn’t like to clean the mattress regularly. Every night when you sleep your body tend to shed skin on which dust mites thrive.

Besides, these allergic reactions can further create a major hindrance in your sleeping patterns which in turn can greatly impact your day-to-day activities.

Even if you are someone who isn’t susceptible to allergies, it’s not hygienic to sleep in a bed jam-packed with dirt and microorganisms.

Even the manufacturers from where you buy mattress, always recommend people to regularly clean the mattress to prolong its lifespan and get rid of the allergens that can trigger health problems including watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat, skin rashes, and breathing complications.

Above all, you will find a great difference in your sleeping quality when you will clean your mattress regularly.

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