How to get 65 points for PR in Australia

Posted by Visa Solutions 4 U
May 29, 2024

Australia, with its thriving economy, diverse culture, and excellent quality of life, is a dream destination for many looking to settle abroad. One of the most sought-after pathways to migrate to Australia permanently is through the skilled migration program, where individuals are assessed based on a points system. Achieving 65 points is often the key threshold for eligibility. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to reach this milestone and pave your way to Australian Permanent Residency (PR).

Understanding the Points System:

The Australian immigration system evaluates candidates based on various factors, including age, English language proficiency, education, work experience, and other relevant criteria. To be eligible for skilled migration, candidates must score a minimum of 65 points on the points test.


Age is a crucial factor in the points system. The maximum points are awarded to candidates between 25 and 32 years old. As age increases, the points gradually decrease. To maximize points in this category, plan your application strategically and aim to apply while you're in the age bracket that offers the most points.

English Language Proficiency:

Proficiency in the English language is vital for successful integration into Australian society and the workforce. Candidates can demonstrate their English language skills by taking tests such as the IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Depending on the test results, applicants can earn varying points. Investing time and effort in language preparation can significantly boost your points in this category.


The highest points are awarded to candidates with a Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or a recognized overseas institution. However, points are also allocated for qualifications such as Bachelor's degrees, trade qualifications, and other certifications. It's essential to have your qualifications assessed by the relevant Australian assessing authority to determine their equivalence in the Australian education system.

Work Experience:

Work experience in nominated occupations is another critical aspect of the points test. Candidates with substantial experience in their occupation are awarded more points. Relevant work experience can be gained both in Australia and overseas. It's crucial to ensure that your occupation is listed on the relevant skilled occupation list and that your experience aligns with the requirements.

Also read: Skilled Occupation List (SOL) Australia

Nomination by a State or Territory Government:

Some applicants may be eligible for additional points if they are nominated by a state or territory government or sponsored by an eligible relative living in a designated area in Australia. Nominations and sponsorships are typically granted to candidates whose skills are in high demand in specific regions.

Other Factors:

Additional points can be obtained through factors such as partner skills, study in regional Australia, or completion of a Professional Year Program in Australia. These additional points can make a significant difference in meeting the minimum threshold.


Achieving 65 points for PR in Australia requires careful planning, preparation, and attention to detail. By understanding the points system and strategically optimizing your profile, you can enhance your chances of success. Remember to stay informed about updates to immigration policies and seek professional advice if needed. With determination and perseverance, you can unlock the pathway to Australian Permanent Residency and embark on a new chapter of your life Down Under.

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