How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x8024a105

Posted by Sylvester Blachunas
Mar 23, 2020

windows 10 update 0x8024a105

Windows update has never been the smoothest and you might run in a few errors by chance. And one of the most occurring errors in windows 10 update is Error code 0x8024a105 which can be caused by various things.

The causes of this error

There can be various causes for this kind of error on your computer but here are the most probable ones.

·         Improper installation of the update can also cause this error.

·         Sometimes new code in the update cause conflict in the currently installed software.

·         A virus in the system can also cause this type of error in windows update.

·         If there are corrupted or missing files in the windows home directory, you’re likely to this error.

So, it is extremely important to solve Windows 10 0x8024a105 error.

Here is how to resolve the update error code 0x8024a105 on Windows 10 devices.

Fix Windows 10 Update Error Code 0x8024a105

Try these things, in the order, they are listed, to fix the error code 0x8024a105.

Turn off and Turn on the PC – The easiest way to solve any issue with your windows device is by turning it off and on. Most problems in any computer system are solved by turning it off and on. So, give it a try and see if the error is resolved or not. If not, you can proceed to the next step in the list.

Have a proper internet Connection – You must have a properly working internet connection to download and install the updates. You can try switching your connection from wireless to wired or wired to wireless.

Update Troubleshooter – No matter which error has occurred in your windows update, the update troubleshooter will always resolve it. You have to run the update troubleshooter on your device as soon as possible. Open windows update and click on the Troubleshoot option from the left pane of the window. Now, you have to choose the windows update option; it will find the error and fix it automatically.

Software Distribution Folder – You can try resetting the software distribution folder because it can also cause problems in the system. Here are the steps:

·         First, you need to open CMD in Administrator mode and then type ‘net stop bits’ and hit Enter.

·         Then you have to type ‘net stop wuauserv’ and hit Enter and open

·         C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution on your windows explorer

·         Select all the folders in the new window and delete them all.

·         Now, you need to go back to the CMD and type in these commands.

·         ‘net start bits’ and ‘net start wuauserv’

·         Restart the PC to make the changes and your error 0x8024a105 will be resolved.

So, these are the basic solutions for error code 0x8024a105 on windows update. However, if these are not working for you, then reinstall is the only option. Yes, you may need to reinstall the complete operating system to get rid of this error. You can take help from the support official at Microsoft if you want to but don’t get your hopes up. 

If you want to any windows related updates please check our new post on ways to fix wsappx high disk usage issue in a windows 10

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