How To Create An If Else Statement In Matlab With Examples
In Matlab there are many sentences to be performed with conditional terms. If a sentence is correct, the result will be presented; All this data is based on the decision-making method in Matlab. This blog gives you information about a statement if it is located in Matlab and what is the syntax of this statement. But before we go into detail, let's get brief details about matlab's decision-making.
What is decision making in Matlab?
Its structure requires encoding to contain one or more conditional words that are tested or executed by a programmer. If the specified condition is correct, it is performed.
If other work in Matlab can be easily understood through the flow chart that first describes it, programming of the program is examined and the decision-making process is carried out. If the statement turns out to be correct, it will move to state mode, and if the statement is incorrect, you will jump to the other code block, and the result will be produced by the Matlab program. Let's check out some of the programming of this conditional statement.
What is if else statement in Matlab?
For the false expression, an if phrase is always followed by another statement.
There are three statement parts in Matlab, which are whose statements, if else statement, otherwise if statements.
% statement (s) is executed if the given Boolian expression is true
<Statement (is)>
<Statement (is)>
% statement (s) is executed if the given Boolian expression is incorrect
If the given Boolian expression is performed to be true, the block for the if phrase will be performed; If not, the second declaration code is blocked.
Example, if otherwise, statements in Matlab
Example 1:
b = 50;
% now it will check the given Boolian state
if b <10
%, if the given condition is true, the following output prints
fprintf ('b is less than 10 n');
%, if the given condition is false, the following output prints
fprintf ('b is no less than 10 n');
fprintf ('value of b is:% d n', b);
When the above program is performed, it produces the result:
b is not less than 10
the value of b is: 100
This blog has provided all the relevant information about if else statement in Matlab with its syntax and examples. With the help of if else statement, one can easily solve complicated conditional issues. Besides this, one can use nested if operations to provide condition within the single condition. In this blog, expression involves several logical operation, such as ‘<’ (less than), ‘>’ (greater than), ‘> =’ (greater than equal to), ‘= =’ (equal to), ‘< =’ (less than equal to), ‘=!’ (not equal to), ‘&&’ (logical and), ‘||’ (logical or), and much more.If you have any issue regarding any Matlab assignments, then you can contact our experts who offer Matlab Programming Assignment Help to the students living all around the globe. We offer assignment with proper syntax and well-structured programming which is easy to implement as well as easy to understand. Our services are accessible 24/7 and offer at minimal prices.
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