how to create an attractive logo

Posted by Ega Pamungkas
Sep 18, 2012
Unlike other graphic design work, to create a logo there is a separate set of principles. Design Tips logo or tips to design a logo for logo designers who want membut riveting. Logo is a symbol of something that is interpreted. With one look, we can imagine what the meaning behind the logo. When we look at a particular logo we will remember from what company, what products, and so forth. Logo is considered successful when the logo is easy to remember, good shape, color, text, and products.

Can greatly complicate when we create a logo. Can a series of analysis, research and design and exhaustive process just to make a logo. I remember when I first made the shell logo, visible only shells that ugly picture da impressed not appear at all the design touches. However it is striking in its day, simple and easy to remember. And it was like a necessity that these shells mangalami logo change from time to time just to interpret and represent the company's shell.

Tips to make attractive logo

1. Analysis of needs

Tips logo design first. In this needs assessment as anything that would affect the outcome of the logo. For example we will create a logo from PT. X then examine the first profile of the company. If there is a requirement or prerequisite that must be met then it first must come first (example = there should be red, must contain the meaning changes, etc.). The thing that will affect the outcome of the logo is:

a. Culture (aspects of)
b. Politics (aspects of)
c. Economics (aspects of)
d. Social (aspects of)
e. Demographics (swot analysis and aida)
f. These types of companies and their products (personal aspects of the company)

2. Determine techniques or ways of making

In making something of course we have the means or techniques. In case this is how to create a logo. This is related to the current results of this logo will be displayed. Sample printed, multimedia, websites, products, and so forth. Obviously the size, font type, logo shape, color, media will affect. Such as in the product box rarely use a lot of colors and if there is then the size will be small, it is the impact of the funds to print colors tend to be more expensive. For more about how to be discussed in detail in the discussion below. Tips logo design will affect the technical point of view.

3. Trial and error

Trial and error is an effective way of doing things. The results of the logo would be maximized when trial and error procedure. Through sketches or design directly using design software one should not do. You can use the following as a showcase logo design inspiration and ideas.

4. View works similar logo

Many websites are bringing forth such phenomenal logos logoMoose. Search for a company logo or similar products with which you want to create. Watch and learn its characteristics, in addition to add insight into the logo also can inspire you.

How to create attractive logo

To make the logo needs analysis to design products so here I will discuss the results of the analysis.

1. Use mathematical measure, usually marked by using square garis2. The purpose of using a mathematical measure is appropriate logo will not change its shape, color, writings etc.. Logo just change the size, color is black and for white. By using a mathematical measure will help when the results of the logo is finished and used as a symbol of the product or the company. Very helpful when made again according to the instructions of the logo by third parties (resellers, distributors, subsidiaries natinya will definitely need the logo).

2. Software design is to create a logo in vector format such as CorelDraw and adobe illustrator. By using vector-based software results from the logo can be enlarged or reduced without any change blur effect. Similarly, the color does not change.

3. Use the color catalog. This is important when the logo will be printed. We know not arbitrary color chosen or used. For example, paint the wall that has a catalog. This will make the color really does not change from the original color and the fit between the print and color digital form. Similarly, when the overlapping colors will be printed form the resulting color change, it would be helpful to understand the characteristics of color harmonies and color prints.

4. Make the logo instructions. If the logo has been created, it is important to establish guidelines ruling the logo. Logo will be made in all other design work, ranging from flyers, products, posters, billboards, etc., and not necessarily our own work on it. Usually it will be used by a third party such as in the cities of the product distribution area. For example, the following "download how to create a logo design".

5. Dramatization meaning. When the results of the design have been made, of course, we will present the logo. In this presentation and choice of words when the meaning is not exactly the logo will most likely be rejected. Meaning in a logo can be searched through nirmana decipher and analyze the results of the study.

6. Create as many alternate logo and unggulkan maximum of 5 designs. This way you will know which is the best choice and patterns of your design. Create a design pattern if you are getting a lot of design patterns you like. This pattern of effects such as rotate (rotation), the effect of shape, line effects, typografi effects, color effects, repetition, transformation and so on.

7. Make the logo as soon as technically resolved. To make the logo of one minute to one hour of work will affect other design work. Technical making this logo should not be changed because it will affect the outcome. For technical guidance the logo will be discussed in the next article (hopefully quickly done).

8. Make a sketch manually. Sketch manual is the most effective way to produce design work interesting and riveting.

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