How to Create a Telemedicine App Like Doctor On Demand
Telemedicine apps like Doctor On Demand apps are bringing in a lot of changes in the healthcare sector. These applications help reduce physical contact between providers and patients.
Telehealth is the delivery of health-related services. This includes medical care delivery, providers, educating patients about a healthier lifestyle, self-care solutions using telecommunications, and the use of digital technologies for communication.
Healthcare service delivery, educating, health information services using remote modes come under telehealth. According to statistics, the use of telemedicine app development solutions has become a very important part of the healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations around the world are adopting telemedicine apps in their organizations because these apps have given new ways of curing patients in comfortable ways.
Telemedicine is going to become a mainstream health option in the next ten years. The telemedicine market is going to grow at a much faster rate as it is witnessing extreme growth. Statista has said that the telehealth market will be worth more than 150 billion dollars by 2025.
In this blog, we will be talking about the different types of telemedicine apps, their benefits, challenges, features, and the development cost of the app.
Types of telemedicine applications -
1. Real-time monitoring telemedicine apps.
2. Remote patient monitoring.
3. Store and forwarding method.
4. Specialist and primary caregivers consultation apps.
5. Imaging apps.
6. Networking apps for telemedicine.
Benefits of telemedicine apps
We all want to follow a healthier lifestyle. And ever since the covid-19 pandemic came, people have become more protective towards their health. Telemedicine application services can help in supporting all the healthcare IT solutions systems. These apps are used by healthcare providers, patients, and medical foundations everywhere now. The main motive of these applications is to provide efficiency to the users, offer remote visits and check the health conditions virtually.
1. Efficient and viable medical care source - A lot of people prefer not to go to a hospital or stand in a long hospital waiting in lines. If someone has to meet with a specialist, the wait can become much longer. But if you use a telemedicine application, patients can make online appointments with providers. This allows doctors and providers to connect at their own convenience. Making the treatment process much efficient and faster.
2. Service availability - With telemedicine app development, healthcare organizations can offer services to people from rural or remote areas. Most of them do not have access to any kind of medical care. But telemedicine can reach these patients and can help handle patients. It also helps with disease monitoring and sending updates regarding prescriptions and follow-up care options.
3. Record keeping - Telemedicine applications help doctors easily store patient’s medical records and maintain them. The medical records saved in the application are only used by providers and the administration staff of the practice.
4. Operation handling - With telemedicine application no one has to fill out forms with internal information. Most of the paperwork is automatically done by the application for you. Helping administration focus on the actual work.
5. Increased income - By applying telemedicine software development solutions in your organization you can easily increase your income. Because with the use of the app providers can consult with more doctors.
Challenges faced while developing a Telemedicine Application
1. Backend Framework - You need to have a good back-end server because it will help your application integrate with third-party services.
2. UI/UX designing of the app - The designs, themes, logos, and layout of the app need to be user-friendly. This is because a user-friendly app gains more users.
3. HIPAA compliance - Keeping your app up-to-date according to the HIPAA standards is a must.
4. Security issues - When you choose telemedicine app development services, make sure to use the best security measures for keeping patient’s medical records safe and out of the reach of third-party users. Ensure every possible precaution for storing, exchanging, and processing the medical data in your app.
5. App developers - It is important to choose a telemedicine app development company that you can trust. Make sure to know what services and solutions these companies are offering you, they should be the best.
Features of Telemedicine Apps -
Telemedicine apps have very unique features for anyone who uses them.
1. Login section - Whenever someone new installs the app, they are asked to either log in from an existing account or to sign-up. They are then asked to fill in the details of their conditions and their insurance details and personal information.
2. Search Bars - Once you are done with logging in, then you can make searches for a particular medical specialist to treat your condition.
3. Appointment booking - After choosing a doctor, patients can now book an appointment with them, they no longer have to wait in lines. Appointments are confirmed at the convenience of both parties.
4. Mode of communication - When an appointment is confirmed, patients can choose the mode they want to communicate with their doctor. Almost all telemedicine apps have phone, video, and text communication modes.
5. Payment options - Patients can make their payments before or after the session via credit/debit cards. To make payments successful, you should integrate your payment gateway with APIs.
6. Doctor/Patient portals - The app has a separate portal for patients and doctors. Here they can see all their activities. Doctors can check their upcoming appointments, patient lists, etc. Patients can review their prescriptions, upcoming appointments, etc.
7. Review sections - With the help of reviews, patients can easily choose doctors. The review section appears after a session is complete.
8. Message section - With the use of this feature, doctors, and patients can easily communicate with each other. Medical results, like lab reports, images, etc can also be shared from this feature.
Cost of Developing a Telemedicine Application -
The development cost of a telemedicine application for the healthcare sector can depend on different factors. The features that are embedded in the app, time spent on implementing the features, development teams, platform availability, etc. Only after adding these can a telemedicine software development company can tell you the final price of the app.