How To Create A Perfect Wedding In Hawaii

Posted by Jiten Achary
Nov 26, 2013
Image The romantic sunset, the sweet smell of fragrant leis and the traditional blowing of conch shells all combine to create the best wedding in Hawaii.  However, you must consider the following when planning your Hawaii wedding.

Find the Perfect Island

Hawaii has six main islands: Oahu, The Big Island, Maui, Kauai, Lanai and Molokai.
Oahu, the liveliest of all the islands, is where the state’s biggest city Honolulu is found. It is also home to the famous Waikiki Beach, where most of the entertainment happens. The Big Island offers incredibly beautiful and amazing topography. If you want snow, they have it, if you want to see lava trickling down from a volcano they also have it.

Maui on the other hand, is the most romantic Hawaiian island. It is home to several of the most luxurious hotels as well as the best beHawaii weddingsaches in the world. Couples can drive along the Hana Highway for an amazing and exhilarating experience. Kauai or Garden Isle has a lush and bountiful tropical rainforest. Mt. Waialeale, the wettest spot on Earth is found there. Lanai, the smallest among the six islands, is ideal for people who like to keep their privacy. It is also known as Pineapple Island, home to the famous Dole Pineapple. Molokai, called the Friendly Island, is the most Hawaiian of them all. This is because it remains largely untouched by modernization and urbanization such as hotels and resorts.

Knowing the Right Time

Hawaii is an island that is known for its temperate atmosphere. Visitors most of the time do not realize that they have come during the wet season due to the regulated temperature. Hawaii is the ultimate place for the outdoorsy type of person. It has deserts, rainforests and snow–capped mountains ideal for exploration and sightseeing.

Getting Your Marriage License

Download and complete all the necessary application papers from the government     website. Gather the necessary documents such as birth certificate, consent forms if you are below 18 years old, valid I.D.s and if you have been previously married, a death   certificate or the original divorce  decree. Go to the nearest marriage license agent’s office  together with the necessary   documents. Application should be  done in person; fax or emails will  not be accepted by the licensing office. Pay $60.00 for marriage license fee. Issuance of license will be done on the same day. The license is valid for 30 days including the day of issuance, after which it becomes null and void. It is also honored and good throughout the state of Hawaii.

Creating the Perfect Wedding

You can practically have the wedding of your choice. If you want to have a traditional Hawaii wedding with leis and by the sea, wearing traditional wedding dresses then so be it. Hire a traditional musician, prepare a traditional speech and create a traditional wedding in Hawaii. Since Hawaii boasts of having some of the top and most exclusive hotels and resorts in the world, you can also have a lavish and extravagant wedding in the ballroom of one of these hotels.
With its beautiful scenery and lush backdrop, couples can have a unique and exciting wedding experience. Rent a helicopter and get married beside an active volcano or rent a villa with an expansive view and host a catered reception after the ceremony. 
For those who want to have a beach wedding, what better way than to hold Hawaii weddings. Every girl wants to have her ultimate wedding dream with her ultimate dream guy. There are those who want a quiet and romantic wedding by the beach or a solemn and peaceful wedding in Hawaii church. However it is done, as long as you are joined together under the grace of God, everything will fall perfectly right into place.

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