How to Conduct a Creative Writing Class for Children

Posted by Sharon Martin
Nov 8, 2019

One of the funniest and greatest activities for kids is Creative Writing. Kids never become interested in this activity for the first time until they are getting there about this thing. For this reason, creative writing classes have a very important impact on teaching children creative writing. But is it not possible to take these creative writing classes? You may be wondering why it is not possible? When you give kids an idea of ​​the different things about Creative Writing, you’ll see those different kids come from different places, so they are less likely to talk freely.

So to handle this situation, you must know about the Creative Writing Classes conduct system. If you don't know how to handle, you can never teach your kids anything about creative writing. In this article, we will mention how to write creative writing classes.



1. Proper Communication And Introduction 

As most of the students don’t know each other for the very beginning, and they may feel shy to communicate with each other, the teacher needs to start the conversation with them. Then the teacher will provide the writing rules step by step gradually like- the students may not be allowed using classroom computers for graphics from the beginning. They will only maintain the writing quality, no need to use fancy fonts or color. Good content will be appreciated. The enjoyment through the class or homework must be maintained.  


2. Developing Imagination And Thinking Capacity 

A teacher may develop the imagination and thinking capacity of students by showing some pictures and writes down what they think of those pictures. This task will help them to describe their feelings on any topic.


3. Developing Perspective: 

A teacher may give the task the students to write and re-write on various topics. This task will help them to enrich their point of view on any specific topic and that will help them to think more in any other broader sector.


 4. Experimenting With Different Typology And Twist 

After the above task, a teacher will show some stories based on various genres like- humor, adventure, science fiction, etc. and the students will learn to practice different styles and having a twist on their stories.


5. Reality-Based Stories 

After all these tasks, the teacher may ask students to write real-life stories of their own or themselves in an imaginary situation like- a journey or getting lost in a shopping mall, etc. These will help them to think more practically and they will be able to write more realistic stories.  


Final Thoughts

Conducting creative writing primary tuition is not an easy task. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to do. By using some methods you can handle it very easily. We have brought to you some of the management practices in this article. Hope our little effort will help you a lot.

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