How To Clean Your Own Windows: Save Money and Time with These Tips

Posted by Anil Baniya
Sep 13, 2021

Before you spend the time and money required to have someone else clean your windows, why not do it yourself? It is truly a simple task to clean your windows and gives you that same professional window cleaning experience. All that is required are a few supplies and some very basic instructions. We have help a lot of client with these tips who used our window cleaning in sutherland shire to maintain their windows.

Getting Started

To clean your windows yourself, it is important that you have the proper equipment for the job. You can get small vinyl window cleaner bottles from your local dollar store, or any dollar store. There are other options that might be better for you though. There are small hand-held squeegee and window cleaning brushes to get the job done. You can also use an old comb or even a towel to remove any smudges or dust that may be present. With these tools, you will be able to get the job done quickly and easily. According to Angie's List, when you are cleaning your windows with a squeegee, you need to ensure that your windows are clean. This means that you need to use the squeegee on the glass without having the use of the window. Do not grab the glass with the hand that is holding the squeegee.


What You'll Need

Cotton swabs A nice, soft wash cloth A small, thin set of pliers small plastic squeegee or a nail file Scissors Cleaner or glass cleaner How To Clean Windows According to the professional window cleaners, with the proper tools, you can clean a window without lifting a finger. Take each of the items listed above and put them on a clean, lint free, microfiber cloth. Then take it over to the window you wish to clean. Apply the window cleaner and squeegee to the window. Squeegee the cleaner on to the glass and, as much as possible, push it in to the grout lines. Then smooth it with your hands and the set of pliers. You should have a nice, clean window. Take the squeegee or pliers and remove the suction from the cleaner. This will allow the window cleaner to absorb into the grout lines in your windows.


The Process

Any window cleaner worth their salt has their own signature system. The tricks involved vary, but in short, cleaning a window with soap and water, or a clear glass cleaner, is going to work best for cleaning most windows. Using that same soap and water solution, clean your windows with a damp cloth. You are not working with glass so you are not going to use polish to help achieve a nice shine. Before beginning any window-cleaning job, you are going to want to remove any fingerprints or smudges that are on your windows. You can use a simple food processor to remove those, but you will want to make sure you have extra just in case. Make sure to pay attention to the type of soap you use for the job.


Cleaning Tips

Make sure you're using the right cleaning solution for your windows. This will go a long way in helping you get better results. For example, some cleaning solutions can damage glass. Another tip is to choose a window cleaner that's safe for the home and does not contain ammonia or other chemicals that can harm your air conditioning unit. You can find window cleaners that do not contain ammonia here. Cleaning Your Windows Once you have chosen the right cleaning solution for your windows, the rest of the task is very simple. You just must clean off your windows and make sure that they are properly braced. It is easy to replace window bracing, so check your manufacturer's manual or online to see how to go about doing this.



There you have it, a few simple tricks to get your windows looking great and smelling fresh. It doesn't have to be hard if you follow this simple procedure. Keep these tips in mind for when you need to have your windows cleaned again. If you feel that you loved what you did then you can start a window cleaning company. I personally started my journey with strata window cleaning in sydney. If you need any further help don't forget to contact us.

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