How To Applying For A Student Visa In Australia?

Posted by Pravin kumar
Oct 24, 2022

One of the most sought-after study destinations, Australia has some of the strictest immigration laws. Getting the student visa required to study abroad in Australia can seem daunting, but the process is quite straightforward provided you follow the steps correctly – plus, it’s all worth it in the end!

Let our step-by-step breakdown of the Australian student visa process for international students help make the application process less daunting.

Which student visa do I need?

When you study abroad in Australia, the student visa you’ll need depends on what type of study you’ll be undertaking. Each visa comes under a different official ‘Stamp Visa,’ which just refers to how it is categorised by the government. Students undertaking shorter periods of study can apply for a Visitor Visa or Student Visa.

Whilst university students are most likely to require visas in subclasses 573 and 574, prospective students are advised to verify how their programme is classified and what visa they will need with their specific institution.

Depending On Your Mode Of Study, You’ll Need The Following Visa:

Independent ELICOS (Subclass 570)

Applicable only to students enrolled in a registered English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS).

Vocational Education and Training (Subclass 572)

This visa is for students looking to undertake any of the following Australian courses in vocational training:

    Certificate I, II, III and IV (except ELICOS)

    VET diploma or advanced diploma

    Vocational graduate certificate or graduate diploma

Higher Education (Subclass 573)

For students whose main course of study is a bachelor degree or a master’s degree taught by coursework.

 Postgraduate Research (Subclass 574)

For students whose main course of study is a masters degree by research, or a PhD programme.
Non-award (Subclass 575)

Applicable to students participating in either a semester or year-long exchange program, or study abroad program.
AusAID or Defence (Subclass 576)

This visa is only applicable to students sponsored by AusAID or the Department of Defence.

More information on student visas and detailed eligibility requirements can be found on the Stamp Visa Australia Education Consultants in Delhi or visa sections of the Australian government’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.

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