How to apply for a job successfully through an email?

Posted by TM Maria
Jul 21, 2018

Did you find it hard to write formal emails? In spite of being innovative your proposals have not had an answer? If you follow these tips your communication to find work by email will be more fruitful.

It is very likely that at some point in our lives we had to ask a stranger for a favor by email; that is part of the work, student and personal life.  The situation can be uncomfortable if we do not know what to write, or if the message lacked tact and only after sending the email we realized.

Keep in mind that a first email is equivalent to a first impression, the way we do it can define the success of our initiatives. If it is an important mail, surely who receives it is a busy person so, even if he sees it, it is difficult for his mail to be read, and even if he does it is not easy to be answered.

Your email has to stand out, because not all messages in a person's inbox receive the same importance. Next we give you some advice so that you achieve what you want when you communicate. To get more guide & tips for job application visit and strictly follow it!

Pay attention to the "subject": do not put something generic like: 'work', 'request', 'resume', because there are thousands of people sending resumes, applications or looking for work. It is best to write something that identifies you and is easy to remember, for example you can show your interest by putting something like "aspiring producer, interested in the new project". Do not forget that the subject is a clue that the reader uses to know whether to open the email or not.

Start with a greeting: so you have to start the first sentence of your mail, you can put "cordial greeting" or "good afternoon Carlos", depending on the formality of the situation, however never start a mail without saying hello, unless a conversation has been established with several emails.

The mail has to be short: your mail has to respect the receiver's time, this is a condition for dialogue. To achieve this, you have to be clear with what you want, for example, you can say: "Hi, my name is Arturo, I am interested in working for your company because it has demonstrated leadership in the sector and I think I can contribute. Could you attend for 10 minutes? Phone?”

Put yourself in the shoes of the person receiving the email: Do you have any information that gives you an idea who is going to read it? It is very likely that this person will receive many emails, ask for many favors and have little free time. As is also likely that person can help if it is something fast.

Direct the mail to a specific person: when it comes to an email of, although it is practical to write "Hello everyone", it is not recommended. It is an advantage if you know in advance who is going to answer, if for example there are two people in charge write to both.

Build a link: do it before going directly to the business, it is not necessary to write several emails before going to the point or wait to meet your interlocutor in person, you can do with a couple of introductory lines that speak of you, something as well as: "I am a person who works in the commercial area, I like what your company has done in the area of mining during the last five years in the country, that has given me ideas in my personal life".

Keep the message short and direct: for nothing in the world to tell you the story of your life, do not think that by giving more and more details will increase the chances of having an answer, a block of text can overwhelm your receiver even before Let him start reading it. Try that your mail does not take more than 5 minutes to be read

Be clear with what you are asking for: do not write something of the type: "I like your company, I feel that it can fit well with what I do, and we should be partners or something. Do you have any idea about how we can work together?” If you are contacting someone, it is your responsibility to have initiative, try to be specific with your interests and propose ideas.

Details not to forget: if you have a website or presence in social networks put the link, make things easy for your receiver. Also, re-read the mail before sending it to avoid spelling errors that may be uncomfortable.

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Comments (1)
David Decredico

Top Digital Reviews

Great article Maria, it helped me a lot. TY

Jul 21, 2018 Like it
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