How Social Media Has Become Essence of Digital Marketing?

The 21st century has seen a boom in the information and technology. Everything around us has changed so dramatically because of this boom. Once the devices which used to occupy large spaces are now just a few millimetres in thickness. These changes have not only led a great impact on our life but have also changed our habits. The way we shop, watch a movie, visit a restaurant or buy a car, everything is affected by this. Nowadays the information about any product and the expert advice is just a mere click away. We are almost submerged in a pool of information. This has also changed the way business analyst and strategist is working on their products. Since everything has become so much technology concentrated the business and market is also adapting it towards that change.
Leading brands have created their online retail stores and customer feedback portals. This has increased their reach to the customer. Now any firm or brand is within the reach of a person’s bedroom to sell their products. The digital marketing has a significant percentage of the total sales of the company. Earlier the digital marketing is considered to be an unexplored domain by the firms. It was restricted because only a very handful of users were available on this platform. As soon as the social media became popular so the social media marketing services came into existence. The social media triggered the social media optimization services.
The growth and emergence of social media websites have led the SEO based services to excel. The social media marketing services have now become one of the favourite spots of big companies to launch their product. At any time there are a great number of users who are connected to the social media websites than any other media platform. With over more than 2 billion people connected on a single platform gives you a whole new galaxy of customers to advertise. Earlier the advertising is limited to the print media which is read by a specific class of people and later the reach expanded to the television.
Advertisements on the television were a great source of marketing but it costs way more than print media. However, there is no such issue of cost on the social media platforms.
The facts given below will help to elucidate the reach of social media marketing:
On an average, a user spends 73% of his phone activity on social media.
The smartphone has reached almost 97% of the total population.
93% of the total population has connectivity to the internet.
Almost every user who has an internet connected device uses it for social media once in a day.
All these facts upheld the need for digital marketing and to combine it with social media marketing. The social media optimization services can be enhanced by employing these methods. There are certain benefits associated with social media marketing.
Building Up - The Social Signal
There is almost a huge war of memes and posts which can be used up by any company to advertise the product. The social media has given voice to the voiceless and thus if a company brings up its product it is open to the free scrutiny of the users. This signals that the company is proud of its product and confident in selling it to the general public. This brings in a sense of loyalty and belief in the product by the users.
There is no better way to market your product digitally. If the company is spending on Digital Marketing then almost half of the work of the marketing is completed. This is because on social media there is no need to reiterate the qualities of the product. It works more on the mouth to mouth publicity. If people are liking and posting a picture with your product then it is bound to get noticed by others. All these activities not only increases the user base of the firm but also helps in building up the brand value. The more the people will talk about it, comment, repost and like it the more curiosity it will build in other potent users. Thus for the sake of trying only the people will buy the product.
Search Engine Optimization
The more and more the people will tag your website or product in their comments and likes, the more hits will be generated for the website. This helps in bringing up the ranking of the website notches higher. Search engine optimization is something which is very important for any new brand to establish itself. The more on top the website will appear in the search results the greater will be the visitors to the website. This search engine optimization can be very handy if one pursues the social media marketing strategies.
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