How Should the Energy Consumption of Electric Water Heaters Be Minimized?

Posted by Perthgas Centre
Oct 31, 2023
To everyone in Perth, as in other Australian regions, a hot water system is the basic daily requirement. You use it for bathing, laundry, dish-washing, hand-washing, and more – there is no end to hot water requirements. So see, your electric water heater is never at rest. Water heating contributes to 25% of monthly energy bills.  

Hence, if you are not maintaining your water heater, then the hot water system is bound to become an energy hog and tremendously inflate energy bills. So, the hot water specialists advise every water heater owner in Perth to regularly maintain the hot water systems to carry on with their efficient performance as they are meant for. Together with maintenance, you need to pay heed to these suggestions for minimizing energy expenses –

Hot Water Specialist Perth

a. It is high time to upgrade your conventional electric hot water system and install the tankless water heater units. The tankless water heaters generate on-demand hot water, rather than heating abundant water and keeping it stored in a tank. On-demand heating minimizes electricity consumption. 

b. Water has to be slightly warm in most cases because very hot water is not needed. If the water heater's temperature has not been adjusted, then check its temperature settings. Get it adjusted to 120 degrees. Lesser energy is consumed at lower temperatures. Furthermore, you need to set the temperature right to prevent scaling accidents. 

c. To keep the water hot for a longer duration, the hot water system should be insulated. Water need not be reheated further if it is hot; hence lesser energy wastage. That is why, make sure to refer to the manufacturer's instructions and find out the insulation type your hot water system needs. Make sure you are not using a blanket for insulation, for it won't work. You will have to buy a proper insulation cover to generate better results.

d. Being experienced in their domain, the hot water specialists know well that most households are not using water heaters of appropriate sizes. You will have to use a water heater of appropriate size since it will lower the energy bills. Inappropriate size will take a toll on energy bills. Hence, there is no need to waste so much energy. Only a portion of heated water is needed, so make sure to evaluate all your hot water needs. If needed, then change the unit. Take help from the hot water specialists.

e. Timer is a very useful gadget for energy conservation. Get it installed and set it in such a way that the unit is turned off when it is not in use for a long time. 

f. Your water heater needs maintenance on a regular basis. To prolong the life of your water heater, it needs a good deal of maintenance. Sediments would start developing inside the tank over time, and affect its efficiency. The hot water specialists will be removing these sediments completely. Further, they would inspect the anode rods and tank to identify the rusting signs. Replacing the worn-out parts, hot water specialists will ensure the water heater is running efficiently. Even makes sure to get the appliance inspected once a year. 

Nearing the end of our discussion, let us remind you once again what you should not overlook. Replace your water heater if it is quite old. You will have to buy the energy-efficient models since these are less energy-consuming. We have covered a lot of useful points in this blog to help you lower your energy bills. Do not forget your water heater needs time-bound inspections, maintenance, and servicing. 
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