How much does a boiler cost for radiant heat?

Posted by Fangkuai Boiler
Nov 30, 2022
Image radiant heat boiler

A radiant heat boiler is a heating system that uses water to heat the room. The heated water circulates through a network of pipes embedded in the floor and ceiling, or through radiant panels.

The boiler heats up the water, which circulates throughout the home and radiates warmth into it. The heat is transferred to your skin and evaporates sweat on your body to cool you down (this is why you feel cooler when you take off layers of clothing). When working properly, this cycle provides air conditioning without using electricity or gas-powered compressors.

How does radiant heat boiler work?

Radiant heat boilers use the principle of convection to warm your home. As the water is heated, it turns into steam and is pumped through pipes in the floor.

The hot water is circulated by fans throughout your house to provide heat wherever needed. The cooled-off water then goes back to the boiler for reheating before being circulated again.

How to size a radiant heat boiler?

Before you can determine the size of the boiler needed to heat your home or business, you need to know how much energy it will require. To calculate this, multiply the square footage of your heated area by a factor that represents how much radiant heat is lost through walls and floors each year. A typical loss factor for a house in Canada is 0.5%. The following table shows values for different types of construction:

  • Brick veneer with insulation (0.5%)

  • Wood frame with insulation (0.7%)

If you have a combination of rooms with different construction types, use average values for each room type when calculating heating capacity. For example, if one room has brick veneer and another has wood frame construction, add together 0.5% + 0.7% = 1%. If another room has brick veneer on its exterior but an uninsulated concrete slab on its interior flooring system and another has brick veneer everywhere else except for its exterior walls being clad in vinyl siding material then add together 1% + 1% = 2%.

How much does a boiler cost for radiant heat?

The cost of a radiant heat boiler depends on many factors, including the size of your home and how much energy you would like to save. The average cost is around $2000-$4000 for a 2-4 ton boiler. However, costs can vary widely depending on these factors.

The size of your home and its layout will have an impact on the amount of heat needed to warm it properly. If you have small rooms with high ceilings then you will need less heating power than someone with large open spaces that are spread out over multiple floors or levels.


Radiant heat boilers are a great alternative to forced air systems. They offer many benefits, including low operating costs and reduced environmental impact. Radiant heating is also more efficient than forced air systems because it heats the ground, not just the air near it.

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