How do Skin Specialist treat Acne Problems

Posted by Neha Chaudhari
Mar 25, 2019
Acne is considered by most of us as a mere skin concern for individuals. Actually, it is much more than that and demands special care for its treatment. When people have rapid acne formation on their face, they try several home remedies. But when every skin DIY fails to clear up the acne inflammation, the first thing which comes to your mind is to find a good skin specialist. A certified skin specialist is the one who is capable of treating acne and related skin problems with utmost precision. Only a certified skin doctor can provide the best acne treatment to the patients.
Skin specialists at Dr. Nivedita Dadu's Dermatology Clinic are extensively trained and educated about the suitable treatments for acne. When you visit us, the assigned Dermatologist will recommend the right procedures and medication for your acne and skin type. This article is will help you understand how experienced skin specialists treat acne problems.
Skin, which is considered the largest and prgincipal organ of the body, often gets affected by acne. If you have chosen the right Dermatologist, your treatment would start from a personal consultation with the skin specialist. The chosen treatment plan would depend upon the severity of the acne present on your skin. Mainly, a skin specialist treats acne by the below mentioned ways:

    • Topical
    • Systematic
    • Procedural

If you are suffering from mild to moderate pimple attack, a topical treatment is recommended for you. This includes usage of cream, lotion, face wash, and specialized day and night ointments. Their primary constituents remain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. They are chosen because they are non-comedogenic which ensures that your skin pores are not blocked. These topical ointments are believed to provide relief to you from mild acne.

The systematic approach works on a wide area and is suitable in case of serious acne outbursts, especially if the patient wants to treat the causing agent from within. This includes the intake of oral medicine, antibiotics, and birth control pills. Sometimes, even injectables are used for killing the bacteria from inner layers of the skin. These oral medicines target the hormonal release and oil secretion from oil glands which results in lessening of acne formation. Often Dermatologists combine a systematic approach with topical treatment in order to get faster results.
If the topical and systematic approach, do not yield satisfactory results, a skin specialist would come to the Procedural Option. In this option, a skin specialist may recommend procedures like microdermabrasion, phototherapy, and chemical peels. It may also include separate and targeted extraction of sebum and cellular debris which is the main cause of acne outburst. These procedures are clinically approved and quite safe for skin.
But, the most important thing to be noted here is that timely and prompt action should be taken for the treatment of acne. Generally, people keep experimenting on their acne with various untested home remedies, this increases the severity of the skin problem. It is always recommended to consult the best skin specialist when you face the menace called acne.

At Dr. Nivedita Dadu’s Dermatology Clinic it is made sure that every patient should get the best acne treatment in Delhi. The Director and Chief Dermatologist Dr. Nivedita Dadu is one of the most trusted best skin specialist in Delhi. She always insists for personal consultation before prescribing any treatment or procedure for acne. Don’t be too late to treat acne, call us on +91-9810939319 or +91-9958573501 for booking an appointment with the Doctor as per your need and comfort.

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Comments (1)
Adriana Smith

Health Consultant in NYC

Very helpful, thanks for sharing it.

Mar 25, 2019 Like it
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