How do Retained Executive Search Firms Work?

Posted by Samuel Miller
Feb 9, 2021

Executive search firms take on the arduous task of interviewing candidates for different types of organizations. Many organizations, big or small, retain these firms to carry out the entire selection process of executive positions in their organization. Although these retained executive search firms can sometimes charge a significant amount, they have become very popular. These firms ensure good hires for the organization and help in preventing losses due to bad hires. Often, organizations opt for a minority business enterprise executive search firm to fulfill their inclusivity agenda in the workplace.

How do These Firms Operate?

Let us illustrate how the organizations make use of these specialized firms. Firstly, the organizations provide these firms with a list of executive positions that they want to fill in. They provide details like the job profile and the desirable qualities of a candidate, and then sign on the retained executive search firm. They follow an entire process to select suitable candidates for different executive positions.

The first step is research. The firm analyzes the organization’s workforce data to help create the ideal candidate’s profile. They use a relevant research methodology to find out what kind of person would fit the position best. After this, they go on a hunt to find out the candidates. Many candidates apply on their own. However, the firm also finds out some candidates who may be suitable for the position. The executive search firm then tries to persuade candidates to apply for the position.

Conducting Interviews

The firm obtains a list of candidates for the executive position. Often, there are hundreds of applicants vying for the job. Hence, it is important to filter to discover the best candidates. Trained recruiters of the firm conduct interviews and keep a record of them. While interviewing the candidates, the employees have to keep many things in mind. They have to check whether the candidate has experience in the area of the position they are applying for. Additionally, they also assess their personality and attitude. They check if the candidate would be a good fit for the hiring organization and their work culture. Many considerations are kept in mind when recommending candidates for hire.

Diversity in the Workplace

Another important role of executive search firms is to ensure that the organization has a diverse pool of employees. There are firms that emphasize this aspect. If it is a minority business enterprise executive search firm, it has to take into account the specific requirements of the minority business enterprise. In these businesses, a certain percentage of employees must belong to a minority section. Thus, these firms ensure that the required criteria are fulfilled.

The author Samuel is an employee at a minority business enterprise executive search firm. He has 8 years of experience in the field. According to him, the retained executive search has shown favorable results in most of the organizations. The organizations often hand over the hiring responsibility of lower-level management after seeing the successful results by the search firms.


Disclaimer: The information above is general information regarding the recruitment industry and is not intended to be up to date as to Spirit Consulting’s current and/or past practices, beliefs, or advice. 

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