How Community Emergency Response Teams Help In Emergency Situations-Triagetags

Posted by Triage Tags
Dec 17, 2013

If you want to limit the effects of a disaster, you need to work smartly and swiftly. If you have an action plan ready before any such situation arises then nothing like it because you wouldn’t be left with any time when a disaster strikes. So, it is better to be ready by all means for such situations than to lament afterwards that why wasn’t there a plan being forced to tackle these situations. You have to foresee things, and act accordingly. There is no point in doing everything from scratch after a disaster has struck, instead plan for such things in advance so if they do strike you are totally prepared.

There should be some people of the community taking this responsibility and acting towards making a plan to deal with emergency situations. These are commonly referred to as the community emergency response teams. Their name itself suggests that they are groups who have been assigned the responsibility of devising plans to safeguard their community from emergency situations like earthquake, fire, etc. There are many things that a plan made by a response team should include. You know about the place you stay in and the possible threats it faces, so the plan you should come out with should be according to the type of emergency your community can come across. Now that you have figured out what emergencies you could possibly come across, it would be a little easier for the response team to construct a plan keeping in mind the dangers a particular emergency can bring with it. Everyone in the team should be well aware of the plan and about their own responsibilities. If any one in team don’t act according to their role, it could very well lead to the failure of the plan.

When you are making an action plan, you ought to have people who are medical experts in the team so that injured people could receive instant medical help. Moreover, it is very important for the medical personnel go through EMS training programs because it is a lot different situation when you are nursing the injured people at a disaster struck area than in a hospital. It requires different skills and the ability to react favorably under extreme conditions. It is also very important to have all the medical supplies at hand so that the injured could be provided with all the medications they require to recover and recuperate mentally as well as physically.

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