How Car Insurance Can Benefit You

Posted by Neeta Singh
Sep 11, 2017

In today’s fast-paced world, mobility is the key to success. Whether it is commuting to work or heading out for a weekend getaway with your family, your car is the key to your getting around from place to place in comfort.

Most car buyers make a substantial down payment on their car and they also usually take automobile loans from banks and pay EMIs on their car loan for a number of years.

It goes without saying that an expensive asset like your car needs the best available Royal Sundaram car insurance.

Risks On The Roads

The Indian roads are notorious for various kinds of vehicles sharing the same city roads and moving at different speeds. These range from cars, trucks, buses, two-wheeler, rickshaws, auto-rickshaws to cyclists, pedestrians and even cattle!

While negotiating such diverse traffic, one often ends up with a car that sports bumps, dents and scratches.

This is where comprehensive Royal Sundaram car insurance plays a role.

Comprehensive Car Insurance

All one needs to do is to approach one’s insurance company and fill out a claim form in case you have purchased comprehensive Royal Sundaram car insurance including the ‘own damage’ clause, which is not a legal compulsion. Comprehensive car insurance is voluntary. A representative of the company will survey the damage caused, click a few pictures as evidence and then help you with the process to repair the damage that has been caused.

Insurance Helps In The Case Of Minor Damages As Well As More Serious Accidents

It is not only minor scratches and dents that may come one’s way on the roads. If one is unlucky, one might also end up in more serious accidents on the roads. In this case, insurance of self and family members (life insurance), as well as car insurance of the vehicle, can come into play.

The mantra of insurance is that any activity that carries a possible risk should be adequately insured since no one can predict what the future may hold. Going by statistical data, road accidents claim a victim every four minutes in India. That is a very high number. In one calendar year alone, more Indian citizens are killed in road accidents than all the lives lost by Indian soldiers in all the wars since independence.

In a situation like this, Royal Sundaram car insurance makes eminent sense.

Automobile Theft

The other risk that all car owners face is the risk of someone stealing their parked cars. 

India has a robust secondary market in car parts in the hearts of the major metropolitan cities like Delhi and Mumbai. Organised gangs are on the prowl looking for opportunities to steal vulnerable cars. Criminals either try to force their way into cars using master keys, or they tow the cars away if the situation permits. Then they strip the cars off their parts and sell the parts in these secondary markets, or they change the body colour and use fake registration numbers. 

If one is unfortunate and a gang of organised car thieves manages to make away with one’s car, Royal Sundaram car insurance can be used to get the insured value of the car. This also comes into play if you have opted for comprehensive car insurance with the voluntary ‘own damage’ clause for which you need to pay a premium. This extra payment is actually well worth it. 

Third Party Car Insurance

The bare bones legal compliance of ‘third party’ Royal Sundaram car insurance cover will only cover the damage that you might cause to third parties while driving your car on the roads. This damage to third parties could be in the form of bodily injuries, death of third parties or damage to property. This third party insurance does not cover damage to your car or to your person in the event of an accident. It also does not cover the possible theft of your car.

Rare Events That Are Not Covered By Standard Comprehensive Car Insurance Policies

There are other possible misfortunes that can befall the car. The chances of these events occurring are very slim but still within the realm of possibility. These events range from fire to arson; terrorist strikes; roads, bridges and buildings collapsing and damaging or destroying your car; wars; civil disturbances; Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) attacks involving nuclear or chemical warheads; mob violence and riots; or natural calamities like earthquakes or volcanoes. No standard Royal Sundaram car insurance policy available in the Indian market insures your car in the event of any of the above.

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