How Can Weed Infestations Be Defended?

Jan 14, 2022
A lawn has to be kept free from weed infestation, and so you have to call up professionals to take up weed control measures to retain the lawn health.

Your passionate love for your lawn should always be strong, and during summer the lawn has to look at its best, for spending some quality time with friends and family members. But the pesky weeds pose the main problems, like dandelions,  thistle and clovers. These are by nature, determined to boot and need an immediate solution.

The ideal and natural defence against the weeds is to maintain a thick and healthy lawn with a remarkable capability to compete out the weeds and tolerate minor insect feeding. Follow these 7 tips for maintaining a robust and healthy lawn. The very first move should be hiring weed control services from the licensed company in Merrylands.
1.  Caring for Soil
Proper soil fertility, soil pH and aeration are very essential to deter the growth of the weeds. The lawn will well compete with the weeds when the soil is good. So, the professionals' design Nutri–lawn programs for encouraging healthy soil for landscape.

2. Watering Properly
When you are maintaining a thick and beautiful lawn, then the lawn needs to be watered properly. If the lawn is overwatered or underwatered, then the result will be weed infestation.

3. Mowing At Correct Height
The mowing height must be up at 2.5" to 3.5" if your lawn is not a bentgrass lawn. If the lawn is mowed too short, then weed infestation will be encouraged.

4. Mowing Once A Week
The general rule is not to remove more than one-third of the leaf blade. Scalping a lawn by cutting too short or extending the waiting time between the cuts, and then cutting the grass short will set a lawn back for weeks.

5. Aerating and Seeding
Through annual aeration with slit seeding and overseeding, introduces new vigorous turfgrass cultivars and ensure in keeping the lawn thick, for the weeds to be bid farewell.

6. Topdressing
By applying Organic Plus Topdressing for adding nutrients, along with an organic matter to the soil, topdressing keeps the seeds free from weeds.

7. Pulling the Weeds Out By Hands
When the good weed puller hand pull the weeds, then the bare soil areas should be overseeded from pulling the weeds, and then they apply the starter fertilizer. It helps in stopping the weed seeds from being established in these spots. But handpicking the weeds, the problem's source is addressed – new weeds will be prevented from being established. Hand pulling involves regular feedings, core aeration and annual overseeding.

By taking extra care of your lawn, the ecology friendly solutions can be framed for the turf to be weed-free. Get in touch with the professionals so your lawn is properly nourished and maintained of its health. A weed-free lawn is always inviting and encourages spending quality time together.
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