How Can Aquatic Therapy Help You?

Nov 9, 2022

Aquatic therapy is an excellent form of treatment for individuals who are recovering from an illness or injury. The patient will engage in physical exercises and movements in a swimming pool in this therapy. The water's resistance and buoyancy will support any injured area while ensuring you don't put a lot of strain on them.

Well-Known Advantages Of Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy is an excellent substitute for conventional physical therapy. The unique advantages of Hydrotherapy in Nassau County include the following:

Water Resistance

The natural viscosity of water can help you strengthen any weak muscles. One of the most significant advantages of aquatic therapy is the constant resistance water offers compared to air. Air resistance is much less on land than the resistance found underwater.

Hence, all patients who undertake aquatic therapy tend to use more muscles than they would use on the ground. It helps you tone atrophied muscles quickly by working more muscle fibers. The presence of water also helps reduce inflammation and pain and improves strength and balance among patients.

Better Circulation

Warm water helps improve blood flow to all limbs and other parts of our body. It is helpful for all patients who have weak heart muscles since it helps compensate for poor circulation. Moreover, the warmth helps relieve pain and relax all muscles, joint pains, and back pain.

Hydrostatic Pressure

The pressure liquid exerts when it is at rest is known as hydrostatic pressure. Since water is much denser than air, it tends to exert more pressure on our bodies. It forces our lungs and heart to work a little harder than average.

It also helps to support and stabilize patients who have difficulty standing or keeping balance without the fear of falling. The compression on the joints and muscles helps relieve chronic aches, blood flow, and muscle strength.

Muscle Relaxation

Aqua therapy in Nassau County helps with muscle relaxation due to the dilatation of blood vessels caused by the warmth of the water. It helps prevent any accidental injury of healing joints, muscles, and cartilage.

In most cases, soreness of muscles is caused by an excessive build-up of lactic acid, and increased blood flow helps you flush away the lactic acid, relieving the soreness. The smooth, gentle flow of water is a natural form of massage. It helps promote the relaxation of any tired or sore muscles.

Rebuild Muscle Memory

Suppose the patient suffers from neuromuscular conditions like spinal muscular atrophy, myasthenia gravis, or any other impairment. In that case, muscle re-education is made much easier with the help of specially designed aquatic exercises. Water resistance forces patients to move slower, allowing the brain to process muscle signals more thoroughly since it has more time.

It Is A Fun Environment.

Being in a swimming pool promotes a reinforcing and positive environment. This fun atmosphere makes the experience enjoyable, promotes healing, and benefits your mind.

If you wish to learn more about how aqua therapy can help you, we suggest you speak with a professional. They can give you more detailed information on how aquatic therapy will benefit your body and mind in the long run.


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