Home Remedies for Hay Fever

Posted by Sinu Soothe
Oct 13, 2022
Hay fever is a very common condition or a type of allergic irritation and inflammation in the nose and eyes due to something that triggers the immune system. It could be an allergy to pollen in the air, tree pollen, grass pollen, and other plants that can cause problems. 

Once you find that you're allergic, you need to consult your healthcare provider and develop a treatment plan to reduce or get rid of your symptoms. If the fever isn't too severe, you might want to try a combination of natural home remedies and pharmacy treatments. But for worse symptoms, you need to get prescribed medications. 

One of the most effective ways to control hay fever is to avoid exposure to pollen. A range of over-the-counter treatments can help manage hayfever relief. Here are some natural home remedies that might help soothe your symptoms. 

1: Aloe vera

Aloe vera is famous for its ability to store moisture effectively and grows wild across the driest area of the world. It is used for cooling and calming hot irritated mucous membranes as well as restoring moisture. You can add to juices or smoothies three to six tablespoons a day before food. Make sure to buy organic aloe vera. 

2: Essential oil

Steaming is a good hay fever home remedy that clears the airways as often block noses and congestion are hay fever side effects. So you can add essential oil to your hot water, especially eucalyptus and lavender as they have natural anti-histamine properties. For quick relief, you can also add a few drops of essential oils to a soft tissue to hold near your nose. 

3: Consumption of honey

There is no scientific evidence to prove this, but popular theories suggest that eating locally produced honey can help to cure hay fever. You can lower your allergic reaction over time to the pollen that the bees collect in your area to make their honey. 

4: Supplements and vitamins

A healthy diet supports a strong immune system response. Also, your immune system may need an extra boost and that's where dietary supplements might help. You can make use of certain vitamins and herbs that can help you limit your inflammation coming with allergic responses. Vitamins and supplements include vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A, Omega 3 fatty acids, and more 

5: Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea that contains flavonoid act as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is best to take as a cuppa during the day, chamomile tea can also be used as an eye compress to cool swollen, red eyes. 

During congestion, not more than 3 days you can use nasal spray otherwise it may cause nasal spray addiction. If you find some serious symptoms, it's always best to consult a health professional. 

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