Here Are 7 Easy Ways to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

Posted by Shivangi Gupta
Jun 27, 2019

Though we put in a lot of efforts trying to keep our home premises clean, we often don’t realise that it may not be enough. There are factors that are creating air pollution indoors even without our knowledge. Very often, we ourselves are the cause of the pollutants present in our homes. To reduce this concentration of pollutants, we can do many simple things. This is important as we breathe indoor air for much longer than outdoor air. So, take note and implement these simple steps in your lives:

1. Ensure Enough Ventilation in the Kitchen

When you cook, all the different processes such as frying, sauteing and even boiling expose you to fumes of various kinds. Access to a well-ventilated kitchen allows these fumes to be taken out of your immediate vicinity and prevent potential harm. An electric chimney is the answer to the kitchen woes.

2. Make Ways for Circulation of Air

There are various other fumes containing organic compounds that get released when you perform simple actions such as using a floor cleaner or a toilet cleaner, painting the house or even applying nail paint. These fumes can be toxic. A house, which allows for air circulation, can get rid of them easily.

3. Use a Vacuum Cleaner

As you think about ventilation, consider the dust that will come in and settle down everywhere. To remove that dust from your house, it is best to use a vacuum that captures the dust and does not let it escape from its container. A low emission vacuum cleaner is ideal for such a situation. The best vacuum cleaner even captures the germs present in the dust to ensure better health.

4. Keep the Pollutants Away

Covering your bedding in cases that keep dust-mites away is one important way to have a safe sleep. Laundry affected by dust should be washed in hot water to ensure that it comes out clean and fresh. Dust the house using a slightly damp dust cloth or a microfiber one for better removal of associated particles.

5. Keep the Smoke and Smokers Away

Active and passive smoking is harmful to health. Though it may not be possible to ban your smoker friends from coming home, you can make sure that anybody who wishes to smoke does so in an open space where others are not likely to get affected.

6. Bad Smell Irritates – Don’t Hide Them, Remove Them

If you can smell it, there is a source to it. Find it and remove it. Using an air freshener is a temporary solution, which cannot be used repeatedly as that too can be harmful. It is best to get rid of the source of the odours and clean the place thoroughly to avoid any after-effects.

7. Manage Your Pets and Pests

Pets shed hair that pollutes the house to a large extent. You should keep them away from upholstered furniture and bedrooms to avoid health problems. Alternatively, you can equip your house with an air freshener that can take care of the dust, hair and other air pollutants quite effectively.

Choose what works for you effectively. Incorporate the convenience and the cost factor before you make the final decision about the various options available for pollution control in your home.

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