Hempworx CBD Products for your Skin.

May 21, 2019
More recently it is being marketed in skin care products for everything from acne to wrinkles. These are the facts you need to know.

What is Hemp Oil?
It is also important to know that Hemp oil is not the same thing as CBD oil. The two are often marketed interchangeably, but hempworx oil is richly concentrated in cannabidiol, whereas hempworx oil only contains trace amounts of cannabidiol. To be certain that you’re buying CBD oil, look for cannabidiol or cannabis sativa seed oil on the ingredient label.

Hemp Oil for Acne
One way is its ability to help calm skin, particularly skin that’s acne-prone. Because acne is an inflammatory condition, research indicates CBD’s soothing properties can help diminish breakouts and reduce redness. Surprisingly, recent findings also show that hempworx CBD has the potential to decrease excessive sebum (oil) production, as well as help offset other triggers of acne.Normal, healthy skin requires the production of sebum by way of the sebaceous glands. This is a natural oil that keeps skin lubricated, soft and moisturized.  

Hemp Oil for Anti-Aging and Wrinkles
Hempworx oil also has antioxidant properties which contribute to the research indicating hempworx CBD oil can help lessen the visible signs of aging skin. By reducing inflammation and counteracting free-radical damage, CBD anti-aging creams may be able to help visibly diminish issues like wrinkles, skin dullness, and ruddy skin tone.

Hemp oil for Sensitive Skin & Other Conditions
Benefits of hempworx CBD oil is that it has been found to soothe sensitive skin, and studies indicate that it may even be able to help inhibit certain triggers of disorders like psoriasis and improve eczema-prone skin. Again, far more research is needed, but what exists certainly looks promising, and researchers speculate it all comes down to CBD’s substantial skin-calming and skin-normalizing effects.

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