Heart Blockage Prevention: It’s The Only One You’ve Got!!
types of heart blockage cause no symptoms.
heart blockages cause slow heart rate, causing tiredness and dizziness, and may
even faint.
blockage can damage the heart so severely that sometimes people need a
Heart blockage is a kind of health complication that will
lead to the origin of other health complications, such as low blood pressure,
erectile dysfunction, damage to the internal organs, and many more if left
How Many Heart Blocks Are There?
Here is a description of the types of heart block:-
First-degree heart block: It is the initial or minor heartbeat disruption similar
to a skipped heartbeat. It is a minor type of heat block and usually does not
require any medical treatment.
Second-degree heart block: It is a type of heart block in which the electrical
impulse does not reach the part of the heart, resulting in dropped or skipped
heartbeat. In such a situation, the impulse generated by the atrial portion of
the heart did not reach the ventricles that cause dizziness, and the patient
may need a pacemaker.
Third-degree or complete heart block: It is a type of heart block where the electrical impulse
does not travel between the heart's upper and lower chamber. It usually occurs
with patients suffering from heart disease, and such patients are at serious
risk of a heart attack.
What Is The Main Reason Of Heart Blockage?
In a healthy heart, the electrical impulse inside the
heart muscles signals them to contract and beat. These impulses move along a
pathway through the atrioventricular (AV) node from the upper heart chambers to
the lower chambers.
This pathway also consists of a cluster of cardiac fibers
known as the bundle of HIS, "bundle branch block," or the "AV
bundle." These bundles are divided into two branches, right and left
bundles present at each ventricle, and are responsible for the conduction of
the electrical impulse to the heart ventricles.
Damage to any of the branch bundles can lead to
uncoordinated ventricular contractions and abnormal heartbeat. A blockage on
the right side of the heart walls is not usually severe, but blockage on the
left side can develop a high risk of coronary artery disease or other heart
How Do You Know If You Have A Blockage In Your Heart?
A person having a heart block will experience general
heart block symptoms of it which includes:-
or slow heartbeats or palpitations
of breath
and fainting
or discomfort in the chest
in physical exercise due to lack of oxygenated blood being pumped around the
People suffering from heart block might appear healthy,
but they may have an underlying heart problem.
Who Is At Risk For Heart Block?
Heart block is usually caused due to scarring of the
heart tissue with older age. Few people are born with heart block, but some
people have a history of heart disease or develop the risk of heart blocking by
smoking habit.
Below are the conditions that increase the risk of having
a heart block:-
or the inflammation of the heart muscles
or swelling of the heart valves
tissue in the heart, if not treated, can lead to a heart attack
The chance of developing heart block increases after a
heart attack or a heart operation and may also occur as a complication of Lyme
How Is Heart Blockage Diagnosed?
If you consult a physician for a heart block treatment,
he may ask your medical history, age and will examine your heartbeat. If the
physician suspects something dangerous, he will refer you to either
cardiologist or a heart specialist for better medical treatment.
Today medical science has discovered several diagnostic
tests for heart block. An electrocardiogram(ECG) is the most common test for
diagnosing heart block by recording heart activity. It involves probes attached
to the skin of the chest to continually record the electrical impulses
throughout the heart in the form of waves.
The waves recorded as a result of the test indicate your
heartbeat. The doctor will examine the waves to know if you are suffering from
a heart block. It can also show the side of the heart that is affected by the
heart block.
Another technique is known as Holter tape, which is a
portable device that records the electrical impulses of the heart. The patient
needs to wear it under his clothes to record information about the electrical
impulses while the person is busy with their normal activities for 1 to 2 days.
The best thing about such a device is whenever the person
experiences a severe symptom, and he presses a button of the portable device to
record the heart moment.
An echocardiogram is a type of ultrasound that scans the
heart muscles and the valves.
The electrophysiology test is also used to test with the
help of tiny electrical shocks to determine the abnormal rhythm cause and the
place where it occurred.
Another test is a tilt-table test where the patient lies
on a bed that keeps changing its position and provokes arrhythmia or abnormal
What Is The Treatment For Heart Block?
There is not any specific test to deal with heart block.
Heart block treatment depends on the situation of the patient. For example,
some people having bundle branch blocks show no symptoms and do not require
treatment. But treatment will be needed if a person also has hypertension.
Another treatment is reperfusion therapy for people with
left bundle branch block and a heart attack to restore blood flow through
blocked arteries. This can be achieved with the help of an anti-clotting agent,
such as streptokinase, which dissolves the blood clot and increases the blood flow
rate of the heart. On the other hand, anti-clotting drugs increase the risk of
A pacemaker can also be helpful in such treatment. This
small battery-operated device may be imparted under the skin in a patient with
a fainting record in his medical history. Then, it is placed near the
collarbone through a surgical procedure of 1 to 2 hours under local anesthesia.
Some pacemakers can also be used by setting the electric
impulse only when needed. For example, some pacemakers can sense when the heart
stops beating and produces an electrical impulse to restart it.
Note that pacemakers are not affected by cell phones,
personal stereos, or household appliances, but a person using a pacemaker
should not undergo a magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) scan.
Can Heart Problems Affect Your Erection?
Yes, heart problems like blockage can lower blood
pressure which is one of the common causes of erectile dysfunction. In fact,
earlier people used to believe heart blockage to be the reason for erectile
Heart blockage on the left side can develop a high risk
of coronary artery disease or other heart problems, increasing the risk of
developing signs of impotence.
What Can A Heart Patient Take For Erectile Dysfunction?
Heart patients have often been prescribed nitrates, which
usually interacts with ED medications, and that too severely. This becomes
difficult to treat impotence among heart patients. Therefore, patients with
heart blockage should wait 24-48 hours to take nitrate medicines after taking
ED medications.
Cenforce 100 is
one of the most commonly prescribed ED medications. It is because of its
helpful effects at fewer costs and that too with no side effects, if you follow
the doctor’s instructions.
People with heart blockage can also consume erectile
dysfunction pills (Cenforce
100). In addition, in a 2017 study, researchers found PDE5 inhibitor drugs with
less risk of death.
Cenforce 100 is the best example of ED medications under
the PDE5 inhibitors group of medicines.
See Why Should You Choose Cenforce 100?
Unlike other ways of erectile dysfunction treatment,
there are various complications that you
may not have to take care of while treating your impotence with Cenforce
Complications that you do not have to worry about if
getting treated with Cenforce 100 are as follows:-
treated with surgery, you will require post-surgery medications for a longer
time, like antibiotics and painkillers.
pain may exist for weeks
the penis up on the abdomen towards your bellybutton during the recovery period
to be taken after the surgery for weeks before resuming normal activities
consulting with the doctor to remove stitches
inflating and deflating inflatable penile implants twice a day
These complications occur in other ways of treating
erectile dysfunction, such as surgery or vacuum devices.
But in the case of Cenforce 100, you don’t have to go
through these complications. Instead, you have to make sure about some points
while consuming the medicine, just like other medications.
Consuming it in the right way will not cause any side
effects, and completing the medicine's full-term course with some daily healthy
habits can help you permanently get rid of your impotence.
Cenforce 100 is a PDE5 inhibitor drug regulating the
enzyme present in the penis responsible for attaining an erection. The medicine
directly regulates the enzyme causing an increase in the flow of blood through
the penis. This helps even men with weak nerves to maintain an erection.
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