Healthy secret tips for pregnant women - Ultimate Herpes Protocol Review

Posted by Melanie Addington
Aug 29, 2014
Healthy tips to cure herpes

Following are some healthy secret tips for pregnant women:-

•    The swimming pool, water aerobics engaged

•    Less twist in the spine;

•    If you are carrying something, is pressed closer to him;

•    Use during cleaning mop, vacuum cleaner, but do not sweep the floor with a broom;

•    Avoid lifting objects from the floor (in the extreme case, sit down on his haunches, take object close to your body and gradually climb back straight);

•    Ironing must be in the highest position of the ironing board to back remained straight;

•    Gradually sit on a chair and lean while sitting in his chair;

•    Hand-washing should also be carried out at the back of the line - put a basin on the stand for the bathroom;

•    To relax the muscles of the back can be used fitball;

•    Relax back periodically using pats (get on all fours or standing lean hands on something, and my husband let you pat the back);

•    A diet rich in calcium;

•    Control your weight during pregnancy, avoiding excess;

•    Secure a comfortable position during sleep memory foam, flexible, semi-rigid orthopedic pillow and mattress medium-sized; when lying on the back pillow under your knees; if you lie on your side, place a pillow between the knees;

•    Use reflexology;

•    Undergo massage therapy, but designed specifically for pregnant women;

•    Take painkillers - in extreme cases, prescribed by a doctor;

•    Undergo inpatient treatment. Exercises of back pain - an indispensable tool.

Information Resource by Melanie Addington
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