Handling Your Legacy System With A Denver Computer Services Firm

Posted by Richie Tappel
Apr 24, 2016
Keep it, chuck it, or integrate it? Many chief information officers (CIOs) are faced with this question as they evaluate the pros and cons of their company’s legacy system. A Denver Computer Services firm can with this problem, helping you make the best final decision for the company’s future operation. 

Denver Computer Services Help With Exploring The Options

If you are leaning toward keeping it, then the usually derogatory term ‘legacy system’ might offend you. Perhaps, you view it as simply older and wiser (in terms of how it meshes with the functions of the company). Any Denver Computer Services professional knows your decision to hang onto your legacy system, cannot be based on sentiment, it must fill certain carefully considered criteria. 

● It still effectively manages all the company throws at it on a daily basis. So, while a newer, more advanced system beckons, there really is nothing to be gained from changing your old one.
● The cost in time, money, effort and staff retraining to replace the antiquated system is just too much to justify replacing it. Working through its short comings as they pop up, remains a cheaper option. 
● The system needs to be running constantly. Shutting down to facilitate replacement or upgrade may prove detrimental to sensitive company and customer data. 

In contrast, you may be feeling the urge to chuck that legacy dinosaur and forget it, switching the company to a newer, more compatible-with-everything system. This decision, according to Denver Computer Services personnel, also takes careful consideration. 

Your reasons for moving on may include:
● The cost of maintaining the system, as is or through upgrades, is simply prohibitive. For the company to stay afloat and move forward, replacing the old system is the only logical choice. 
● It is virtually impossible to secure the present outdated system, because compatible security patches are either unavailable or were never applied. That means hacking form the outside (and inside, too) is a real danger.
●  A newer system assimilating the legacy one may not be viable due to the newer software using technology completely different from what the much older system uses. In other words, the rest of the IT world evolved and your system did not.

Your third alternative is to integrate the legacy system into a newer more functional one. this seems like getting the best of both worlds, and is indeed practicable, if the new operating system comes with “legacy support”. Remember, though - some features of the legacy system which currently pose no integration problem, may soon become obsolete. 

The experts at a Denver Computer Services firm can help you decide how best to approach the issue of your legacy system. They can ensure your decision to move on, with or without it, is the best one for the future of your company. 
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