Hair Transplants in Turkey: Can stress cause hair loss?

Mar 15, 2021

If you are finding more strands of hair in the shower drain or on your pillowcase, you may be wondering if emotional stress is to blame. There is a possible link between hair loss and stress, in this article we are going to discuss the truth behind this claim. It is natural to be overwhelmed by emotions whether it is work, divorce or even the loss of a loved one. Stress may take its toll on your health and hair but thanks to science there is a solution to this. Hair transplant Turkey is your go-to option to help you address your hair loss problem and bring your younger version back to life. Here is what you need to know about how stress is linked to hair loss.

Hair loss due to stress

The adult scalp approximately has 100000 hair follicles and each follicle is in a constant cycling phase between growth and rest. At any given time the majority of these hairs are in the growth phase and once triggered they transition to the resting phase. Emotional stress is a possible trigger and it suddenly causes a shift of hairs into the resting phase. This sudden shift causes a person’s hair to stop growing resulting in hair to fall.

The signs of hair loss due to stress

There are different types of hair loss and stress directly or indirectly contributes to hair. High stress levels are associated with the following types of hair loss:

Telogen effluvium. This condition occurs when there is a sudden shift in the growth phase. When this change occurs, it pushes your hair into the telogen phase. Thus no new hair strands are produced causing hair shedding. This thinning of hair is often seen in patches and mostly in the center of the scalp. Within a few months, when combining, washing or touching your hair it might fall out easily. Telogen effluvium can happen to men and women of any age.

Alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune disease that develops when your immune system attacks your follicles. Hair loss due to alopecia areata may occur in round patches or across the entire scalp. Stress triggers this condition and thus should be avoided at all costs.

Trichotillomania. It is also known as hair pulling disorder. It is an irresistible urge to pull out ones when stressed or tensed. This physiological disorder is a way of dealing with uncomfortable or negative emotions.

Does the hair grow back?

Stress related hair loss is temporary. Hair loss due to emotions means that your hair follicles have not yet been permanently damaged. Therefore new strands of hair will grow and over time the hair will be restored. To ensure your hair grows at its normal rate, the most important part is you should manage your stress.

Tips to reduce stress and hair loss

Several things can be done to reduce hair loss and encourage new hair growth.

Diet and nutrition. Eating a healthy diet is essential for the health of your body as well as your hair. The most important part of your diet and nutrition is to include all the essential vitamins. Your diet should include vitamin A, E, B, K, protein, iron and zinc that will help in the regrowth of your hair.

Stress management. This involves learning how to effectively manage your stress levels. The most popular ways to reduce stress include:

Exercise. This provides a great way to eliminate stress. Whether it is walking, dancing or any other form of physical activity is highly encouraged.

Breathing and meditation. To help a person focus on their present moment and avoid stress are meditation and breathing exercises. Through this technique, you will focus on yourself greatly helping an individual to reduce stress.

Adopt a hair care routine. Adopting a good hair care routine will go a long way to ensure that you improve your hair growth. Using a gentle shampoo you can thoroughly wash your hair and condition it to protect the hair cuticle. There are topical treatments such as oils, creams and various other products that might help with hair loss.

Final thoughts

At Dr. Serkan Aygin Clinic we present to you a permanent solution to your hair loss. We have an able team of staff and we use the latest innovations to perform hair transplantation procedures. If you are considering a hair transplant, do not hesitate to get in touch with us today.

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