Hair transplant are everlasting?
Hair transplant is a common and very effective treatment for hair
restoration on the bald scalp and other body parts. There are many hair
transplant methods available and practiced on a large scale. PPR, FUE and FUT
are among the wide scales practices for the hair restoration and millions of
people are getting facilitated by them. Each method uses a person’s own hair
follicles to be planted in the bald area and re-grow naturally covering the
bald scalp, while PRP uses a person blood plasma.
Scientists have been making researches and modifications in the existing
methods to make them even better and reliable. After the acceptance and
practice of the hair transplant on such a large scale here arises a question
that hair transplants are everlasting? The answer is yes, the hair transplants
can last for lifetime depending up on the care. Hair transplant is a surgery
which performs a very natural and simple action of extraction of hairs from the
scalp and planting them back again on the same scalp but on the bald area.
Transplanted hairs take about nine to twelve month to reach their glory
and grow like natural and healthy hairs. This period of nine to twelve months
is the time which can extend or shortens the life of the newly planted hairs so
it depends on the person that how well they keep their surgery. There are many
precautions and instructions to be followed in the post-surgery
timings and they are all simple and easy. Other than this the life time of the
hair transplant also depends on the surgeon who performs the surgery. Expertise
and care of the surgeon can make the surgery go fail or everlasting, thus the
results are dependent on a combination of factors.
Another thing which cannot be forgot for a hair transplant in
Pakistan surgery is the acceptance and boosting power of the scalp of
the person who undergoes the surgery. Though hair transplant have success ratio
for the people of all groups but people above 70 years have slightly less
chance of the acceptance of new hairs and their growth. Even in young age some
people have a less growth power for the donor hairs and they fail to get the
desired results in such cases the hair transplant surgery is followed up by a
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy which acts as a growth booster for the
transplant. This method have been scientifically accepted and performed
worldwide and also giving promising results and this shall not be forgotten
that the surgeon’s expertise and attention on the surgery greatly matters in
the success and failure of a surgery.
Concluding from above this can be stated that if the Fue hair
transplant in Pakistan surgery is performed well and given good care
afterwards it can be everlasting. A lot of people worldwide are enjoying a
normal and happy life after their hair transplants and its promising results
which is a solid proof to the question of their reliability.