Guide Before You Buy Anal Training Kits

Posted by Vickys Dickys
May 13, 2014

If you are new to the world of fun that lies on the rear end, getting started on the right mode is the first thing you should look for. Anal play can be orgasmic and truly exciting, but most people are scared to get started. While some of them have a bad experience to deal with, others are too intimidated on the rear action, given the fact that many consider it unnatural. Frankly, anal play has been around from the same time as vaginal action, so there is nothing to worry about. What you must think of is the way to get started, and that doesn’t need brains, especially with so many different toys around.


Getting the first kit: The most fun and easy thing to buy is anal training kit. There are numerous kits designed for the market, and each one seems to be different from the other. Before you look to buy anal training kits, you have to decide on which level you are. There are some kits that work for experienced players while others are meant for beginners only. In general, you will find a series of plugs in the kit, each with a unique size of its own. Starting from the smallest to the largest one, you will use one after the other as you graduate from one level to another.


Understand the designs: There are varieties in designs, so it’s much on what you are seeking. The beginner’s kits generally have five different sized dildos, which are straight in design. However, dildos aren’t just what you get. Keeping the needs of the advanced players in mind, many makers have even designed butt plug kits and beads kits. So, if you haven’t used a butt plug yet, you get started with the smallest one and continue till you get to the maximum size.


Same goes for the beads, as many singles and couples who are not used to them can get started. It’s not just the design or the size, but there are different angles and shapes of plugs and dildos that are available with these training kits.


Get started with slow action: Yes, unless you are willing to tear your muscles apart or hurt the anal track, it’s best to go slow. Whether you are using a dildo on your own or are taking help from someone, make sure to add ample lube, and once you are done with the lubing, start with slow but steady penetration. The idea is to avoid pain to the best extent, and you cannot get anything in a day, so keep trying till you reach the right space.


One more vital thing to check is the base of the dildo, plug or bead. You don’t want to be at the operation theater looking for getting a toy out, so make sure to see the base is flared enough for the right hold.

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