Guaranteed ways to make your website convert like crazy! Part 1

Posted by Eugene Okoh
Sep 17, 2011

I'll get straight to it shall I?


Master this skill and your sites really will convert like crazy because copywriting is the key to conversion.

Good copy + good offer = cash.

It really is that simple. In fact good copy + bad offer has still made many marketers a fortune. Plus it's not as difficult to learn how to write good copy as you may think.

So I'm going to start posting my guide to great copy, piece by piece. I've studied copywriting for years and I love it, because it's actually all about psychology as you'll see.

So first of all, always remember that visitors to your site are usually in the market for what you’re selling. People will not just wander onto your site, they’ll arrive because:

• They’ve clicked on one of your ads
• They’ve read your article and clicked on your link
• They’ve read your comment on a forum and clicked on your link
• They’ve found your site in the search engines because they searched for
your site subject (keyword)
• They’ve clicked on some other form of advertising or self promotion

In other words, when they arrive at your site, all you have to do is convince them they’ve made the right decision. Now before you run off screaming, please understand, you don’t have to become a copywriting expert. But it would help if you understood the basics.

And I mean really help. Then as you go along you can build your knowledge and techniques.

Rejection free selling

Copywriting can best be described as “Salesmanship in print”. It’s persuasive writing that aims to get someone to do, something you want them to do. It could be to buy your product, sign up for your list or click on one of the links on your site.

Now don’t panic about the word “Salesmanship”, because unlike a normal salesman, sorry . . salesperson, you never have to face your prospect.

You don’t have to cope with the rejection attached to real world selling. Simply because the only way they can reject YOU is if they don’t buy your product, click on your link etc etc.

The good thing is, if people aren’t doing what you’re asking them to do you can simply change your copy. Maybe your headline, your benefits, your call to action.

You could simply change these, one at a time, and log the results. Did they make your conversions increase? Or decrease? Perhaps there was no change?

That’s the great thing about having a website, you can change things in minutes, watch the results, then keep or discard the changes. I’ve actually seen examples of changes to a sites copy, improving conversions by 400%, 500%, even up to 1000%!!

When you understand the main principles of copywriting, marketing becomes so much easier and so much more effective.

So what are the main principles? Well to start with you need to learn about headlines . . . and that's where I carry on next time.

Make sure you look out for my next post.

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Comments (1)
Lydia V.


thanks, great article. and i am sure i will look out for your next post.

Sep 18, 2011 Like it
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