Going to the gym

Posted by Cassandra A.
Jun 27, 2017

It was kind of slippery on the road already, so I thought it was time change some studded tires for my car. I first had to go and dig them out from my attic. I hate going there, but luckily I only have to do it twice a year when I change tires for the car.

When I had changed the tires, I decided that I would go to the gym. I had not been there in a while, so I think it was time to go there. Hopefully there will not be too many people, so that I have to line to the different machines and equipment. There is nothing more I hate than that all the things are taken and I have to wait to do my moves.

When I got to the gym, there was not that many cars parked. So I really hope that there is not that many people that are inside training. But I will see that when I get to the locker room. When I got there, luckily there were not that many people and I maybe could train in peace.

I then decided to do some cardio. I went to the cross trainer and thought that I would be an hour on that and then go home.


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