Getting a cochlear implant was the best decision I've ever made!

Posted by IndiCure Health Tours
Dec 10, 2019

Struggling with hearing loss for years, Mr. Eric from USA had been wearing hearing aids,until his doctor recommended him a cochlear implant. He could not believe that this recommendation would change his life forever. Read his amazingly soundful journey!


Life before Cochlear Implant


I have spent years with hearing loss and countless hours at doctor's offices. For over 20 years, I have worn hearing aids. My childhood was accompanied by frequent ear infections. I got my first hearing aid at a young age after my diagnosis of hearing loss.


Due to my condition, my parents had to send me to a school for deaf children for a few years. After that brief period, my parents shifted me to a public school where I made a few friends who used to wear hearing aids.My parents and friends were very supportive during this phase of my life. The support helped me in completing my education along with speech therapy. I had an amazing speech therapist who helped me overcome my speech and hearing obstacles. I used to rely on lip-reading, yet was pretty much successful with speech.


The turning Point


Years passed by and I dealt with my hearing progression solely through hearing aids. I was accustomed to hearing aids but took every possible effort to improve on many levels. 


It was one specific day when my friend visited my place. She shared a story of her uncle’s journey with cochlear implants. I was curious to know more about the implants and started my research. Just two days later, I visited my ENT who explained to me about cochlear implants and its benefits in detail. He suggested me to undergo an evaluation to assess my candidacy for cochlear implants.Fortunately, I qualified and was extremely happy knowing that life will take a turn for good.


The insurance and costing process


The major part was to dig into the insurance process for the procedure. After making an informed decision, I finally submitted my procedure to the insurance company. Everything seemed perfect. I also received an approval letter that my procedure was covered. But right after two days of approval, I get a call that my policy doesn’t cover cochlear implant surgery.My heart broke. It was a huge disappointment even for my friends and family. Getting a cochlear implant was a life-changing opportunity for us. Everybody was sad.


I could not let a life-changing opportunity go away only because of the cost. Sadly, after days of sending appeal letters to the insurance company, I could not find a way out. Right then, my ENT called me and asked me to think about getting the procedure in a foreign country. The advantage was cost savings. 


There was no turning back from that day. I researched all the possible countries offering quality yet affordable cochlear implant procedures. The internet offered me so many options that I got confused. Reading numerous reviews, I froze India for getting my cochlear implant. The overall quality and affordability offered by Medical Tourism in India lured me to get my procedure done in India.The next aim was to find a medical tourism facilitator that will assist me throughout my cochlear implant journey in India. Again, I had to rely on patient reviews to fix the best facilitator.After learning the assistance provided by many facilitators in India, I decided to contact IndiCure, one of the leading and most trusted medical tourism facilitators in India.


My Cochlear Implant in India


Numerous emails and calls were exchanged to finalize the dates of arrival, procedure and stay in India. IndiCure made sure that I was provided the most affordable package and the best medical facility. I must say they understood how greatly the procedure would impact my life.Right from receiving me in India to taking me to the hospital, these guys made sure that everything was in place.


On the day of my procedure, the case manager personally arrived at the facility to greet me. I was excited on the day of surgery. The surgeon and the medical staff at the facility were very helpful. I couldn’t believe that I was able to opt for the procedure in a foreign country with such warm assistance. But, IndiCure made my journey very smooth.


Finally, on April 28, 2019, I received my cochlear implant. It was an amazing feeling. I am grateful to IndiCure for assisting me throughout my journey. I would recommend anyone to consider Medical Tourism in India with IndiCure for cochlear implants.


Life has changed!


Life back home is amazing with the implant. I can talk on the phone. I can hear much better than ever before. The sound is so crisp which excites me more than anything.I can even hear the leaves swishing.I can hear the birds and also able to pick up other environmental sounds.On the work front, I can now have clear business conversations with my customers. I can handle my clients with the help of my cochlear implant which has drastically improved my communication.


I have started enjoying my life on the whole. I hope my experience reaches many people with hearing loss. Sharing this experience, I wish to have an impact on their lives. I want more and more people with hearing loss to experience life with a cochlear implant. Moreover, you can opt for affordable cochlear implants in India.If you are considering to opt for a cochlear implant, my advice would be - do not hold back. There will be hard times, but believe me, with patience, cochlear implant surgery will be one of the best decisions you will ever make!

Just like Mr. Eric, more and more people are choosing medical tourism in India to get affordable yet quality cochlear impants. 

IndiCure is one of the largest and most renowned medical tourism companies in India offering cochlear implant in India in association with the best surgeons and hospitals in India. You can write to us at or call us at +91-9320036777 (India) or +1-8772702448 (US Toll-Free) 



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