Get in Google News & Over 200 TrustFlow 40-60+ Links (ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, KUTV)

Posted by Peter Paul
Oct 11, 2015
Whether you're selling physical products on Amazon, eBay or any other medium, anything that drives more traffic to your listing is going to be worth considering... But what if that traffic helped your product convert better too? 

Consider this... leveraging major news sites to market your brand or product that also: 

1) Gets front page Google traffic in 24-48 hours to boost your sales... 

2) Boosts your brand awareness to help you convert higher... 

3) Helps your own product / brand website rank higher for more traffic, sales and attention... 

4) Can start a trend to make your brand super popular... 

5) Lets you compete with big brands as you start a following and a movement... 

6) Gets you featured on major broadcast news outlets like Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC etc. for that awesome 'as seen on' badge of credibility... (use this in your product images for a big boost in conversions!) 

Learn more here
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