Get Children To Play

Posted by Austin Stanfel
Sep 22, 2020
As my ten-year-old daughter will attest, putting down the phone gets harder to do every day. With addictive hand-held applications like TikTok and Gatcha Life keeping a firm grip on the timetables of our young, the fear parents nurse for their lack of exercise, enterprise, and overall sense of wonder about the physical world becomes very real. What will become of them later in life? Will they know how to conduct themselves around other people? How can we make them understand the importance of four-dimensional interaction?

For children, playtime beyond the borders of a glowing screen is of enormous importance. And with just a little time from our tables, we can prevent them wandering too far down the digital path, or for the ones who've gotten on their way (such as that precocious little ten-year-old already mentioned), encourage them to have fun sans gadget.

Join In

Your child's toy chest might be full of cool things: robots, spaceships, dollhouses. Stuff you never had at their age and couldn't possibly neglect. But neglected it goes, because maybe—maybe—your little boy or girl doesn't quite yet know how to leap into their universe. That's where you come in. Have a seat on the floor, and help them tell a story. Give voices to the dolls and stuffed animals. Get your son or daughter laughing. You'll be surprised how much fun this can be. It might even help the child to better function in the larger world outside.

Get Them On The Playground

And going outside, of course, is part of your goal for them. You may even have a playground set up in your backyard. Or if you don't, every town has a park, and every park some sand, slides, and picnic tables. Join your child on the field of play. Try to make them feel comfortable around other children. Then, once this latter is achieved, move back and see how things develop. Playground time is excellent for building up a child's confidence for life at school. Communication skills grow more substantial. Friends of their age are more readily made. There's nothing like practice for making things perfect.

Regulate Gadget Time

Used to be parents had to do this step with the television. "One hour of TV per day, young man, and educational shows only." But now that we're not living in 1980 anymore, this article once again turns its attention to those pesky touchscreens. Perhaps one hour a day is a bit harsh; however, it's hard to discuss the importance of moderation without being, well, immoderate. Create a budget for your little ones and have them stick to it. This is the objective part of your conditioning. It's going to show on paper, and later in life, on their composition.

Physical play for your child is conducive to healthy bones, mental health, and communicative abilities. They can build confidence for themselves and, at the same time, learn empathy for others. Problem-solving skills are enhanced. Imagination is piqued. The chances they deserve begin with you, and as you're already a good parent, it just comes naturally to help the young learners.
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