Get All Solution Related to Norton Antivirus

Posted by Jackfer Thomas
Jul 6, 2018

These days antivirus software has become compulsory for each person who wants to use computer and internet on an everyday basis. With passing time a power of malware and virus threats are more powerful than it was before. To fight all types of viral attacks Norton antivirus software is the best option to go with as this antivirus has introduced all the required and upgraded features for there customer. There might be many people who are probing for the best antivirus software to go with and end up choosing Norton software to secure their device. If you are in the midst of them then, here you are at the right place. In case you come across with some technological issues coming in Norton antivirus then, get connected with the experts at Norton customer care number UK.

Let’s take a have a look at the easiest installation process for Windows 7 for example:

How to install Norton  antivirus in Windows 7:

  • Login to Norton.
  • If you are not already login into Norton, you need to sign onto it.
  • Type the mail address and password for the antivirus
  • click on Sign In.
  • If you don’t have a Norton account, click on Create account
  • Then sign-up process.
  • Lastly, Setup window of Norton
  • Now Download Norton.

If the person is having the “Product Key” and yet not registered to your Norton account, click “Enter” a new product key to continue.

Go to Agree & Download.GO with your browser:

  • For Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge browser: Click Run.
  • For Chrome: On the bottom-left corner, double-click the file that you downloaded.
  • For Firefox or Safari: Click the Download option available on the top-right corner of the browser, for viewing the downloaded files, and double-click on the file which you have downloaded.
  • If you get the customer account control window appeared, click on Continue.
  • Follow the instructions you will get on-screen.

You are done with the installation of Norton product and it is activated now. Just getting the antivirus downloaded on your device is not enough as you may get to face several technical issues coming on it. Are you aware of the technical issues that you may get to face while using Norton Antivirus on your device? If not then, don’t worry here I have listed up some of the common technical issues that you may get to see: Some issues that you face while working on the computer:


Several times your PC is hanging badly, it becomes tough to work on it.

Sometimes you get virus attacks on your PC and that corrupts the important files stored in your computer.

Antivirus is not accepting the activation key you are entering.

You are trying to install the antivirus on your PC, but facing issue to do so.

You are trying to update, but getting the problem in it.

Like the above-mentioned issues there are many other issues which you may come crossways in Norton and the time you notice such call the technicians available at Norton customer  Help Number UK.

Few Technical issues are very common in Norton antivirus services and you ought to keep your antivirus away from them to keep the antivirus upgraded. Norton Updated antivirus will keep your device away from the newly up-and-coming virus and malware.


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