“From the kitchen garden to my plate”

To inculcate interest in the ‘bounties of Nature’, the top nursery school in Noida teaches its students benefits of kitchen garden through Nature walk. School maintains small kitchen garden to explain children the interest to give them a sense of wonder and respect for plants. Gardening is a fantastic way to spend time together with the kids. As a gardener, wonders can be done with little seeds. Kids get to learn about different kinds and sizes of leaves. The children can dig into the dirt to grow different flowers and vegetables like fresh coriander leaves, spinach, mint leaves etc. Food can be grown for the entire family with a vegetable garden. Vegetable gardens can be of any size and any kind of vegetables can be planted. Growing vegetables will make healthy families as what you grow is what you eat. Children get to learn how to take care of the earth by planting a garden as planning a garden can be exciting for the kids because they can have choices of the plants they want to grow. For example, a pizza garden can have plants to like tomatoes, peppers, onions and basil to make a pizza. Plants can create a beautiful environment, whether they are in a garden, a raised bed or a pot, for the children as they can enjoy every stage of the process. Working together on a garden with children is togetherness time. It builds bond with the children and create memories while the children learn a lifelong love of growing things just like – how they think, what they like and dislike and how capable they really are. The feeling of sowing a seed at the backyard or balcony and seeing it grow and bringing in the fresh green coriander leaves, mint leaves, spinach or cherry tomatoes on the plate is a pride for the children as they get to share healthy food nurtured by their own efforts.
As the best school on Noida expressway, JBM School has taken the responsibility for teaching school students about the importance of plantation so that they can give something back to the Mother Nature. Growing flowers in garden can also be fun for the small children. Flowers bloom as per the season as some flowers like the sun and others like to grow in shady spots. Spending time in a flower garden can help the children learn about different flowers and its colors.
Gardens are magical, fun and always full of surprises. Gardening with children, from toddlers to adolescents opens new windows in a world dominated by technology as it is just a healthy, therapeutic thing to teach about the living soil.
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