Five Solo Travelling Safety Tips for Women

Posted by Jack Miller
Dec 6, 2021

Solo travel is the epitome of self-indulgence. You can do whatever you want during a trip, go wherever you want, do whatever you want, pick your challenges and activities, make your own mistakes, learn from them. When it comes to Women, they should be safe when they travel alone. Some tips should be kept in mind when travelling alone.

Keep Your Valuables Hidden

The key reason for this is that many tourist areas will have pickpockets and thieves, targeting those with expensive cameras around their necks. Take your gadgets out only when you are using them. In the case of smartphones, you can never be too careful as some cities have complaints with phones getting robbed right out of your hands.

Learn Emergency Phrases

Tell one of the locals that there is an emergency or that you need help is essential. Most criminals will look to isolate you from others who can provide support, so if you think something is wrong, be prepared to approach a stranger to ask for help. Aside from emergency phrases, it also helps to learn keywords in the local language.

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Make Friends with Hotel Staff

Hotel staff are not only there if your hot water isn’t working correctly, but they will usually be locals who know the area quite well. Remember to ask them about the best places to go and where you should avoid them as a visitor.

They should also know not to say your room number out loud when giving you the key if someone is trying to listen in to know which room you are staying in. I like to notify the hotel in advance that I’m travelling solo and always leave a memo with the desk clerk when and when I intend to return.

Let Someone Know Your Travel Plans

Whether you are simply visiting a few local attractions or heading out for a wilderness experience for a week, make sure someone knows your plans. Try to update friends and family at home.

Stay Alert and Keep Looking Confident

Thieves and criminals will usually target those who look the most vulnerable, so try to walk and appear as confident as possible, even if you are lost. Be attentive to your surroundings, and if something feels weird or you are getting a bad vibe from another person, then find a way out and leave.

Make Copies of Your Travel Documents

If you lose essential travel documents, especially your passport, it can be an absolute pain to replace them or even continue your travel. Having photocopies or even photos of the documents saved on your computer or smartphone can be very useful.

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Keep Emergency Numbers in Your Phone

While it is not essential to have an international phone plan while travelling, a pay-as-you-go SIM card with a cheap unlocked phone can benefit. Save the local emergency number on your phone in case of an emergency.

Watch Your Drinking

A travel safety tip that doesn’t get said often enough, whether home or road. When you drink alcohol, you dull your senses and slow your reaction time, making you vulnerable to others. Do not stop drinking altogether. Instead, drink slowly. Pace yourself. Eat beforehand or during. Have a glass of water between each drink (your body will thank you in the morning). Be aware of what you are drinking, and always take drinks directly from the bartender.

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