Five Aspects that Make Office Interiors in India Unique from the World

Posted by Manoj Rawat
Jul 27, 2024

Having a unique and aesthetic office interior is necessary. However, do you know every country has their different styles and designs of office interiors? Today here let us study what makes an office interior in India unique from the world.

Interior Based on Vastu Shastra 

Indian believe in Vastu Shastra as much as the outside world has started believing in Feng Shui. Vastu Shastra is an ancient architecture and design that ensures the positive energy inside the interior. Most Indians use these to ensure their office is full of positive energy.

A Separate Place for Worship

India is a religious country. Almost every household has a religion they follow. And in the same way, they do not stop worshipping inside their offices either. Hindu offices would have a little shrine in it while the Muslim companies would let the employees pray during Namaaj time. 

Bold Colours & India Art Forms

The third thing that makes Indian office interiors different from other office interiors is that they like to use bold colours. Of course, not every office would choose that. However, in every office, you would be able to see unique Indian art forms, such as photos of the gods etc.

Small Spaced Companies 

Most companies in India are small-spaced. No matter how big their reach is they would still most of the time choose a small-spaced office with an open layout. There is no concept of closed cabin-type space for employees. Only the boss and higher post people receive a closed room for their work.

Highly Technological 

Technology integration has been a thing in India for a while. Almost every office nowadays has thumb-scan attendance machines and monitored door locks. 

These are the five things that set India's office interior apart from the world. In our next blog let’s read what sets apart an office interior in Noida from other cities’ interiors.

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