Fire- Rated Boards – Exceptional Reasons Why They Should Be Used

Posted by Matilda Veneer
Dec 5, 2022

Fire is powerful and necessary for survival, but it can be dangerous if used carelessly. Accidents caused by technical flaws and human error have irreversible consequences for human lives and infrastructure. Fire-rated boards are emerging as a solution to reduce or avoid the damage. They are commonly used as a structural and decorative material for floors, walls, and roof design. Continue reading to learn about fire-rated boards and why they are so popular.

Fire rated boards – how are they made?

Special chemicals are used in the manufacture of fire-rated boards and plywood. This plywood, also known as FR-grade plywood, is commonly used in public areas with a focus on fire safety, such as commercial kitchens and production units.

Plywood and board with a fire rating are safer because they do not oxidise when burned. They are subjected to a pressure treatment in the factory, where chemicals are infused to provide fire resistance. After drying in a kiln, the wood is placed in a retort chamber. When chemicals are added to wood, a vacuum is created by first removing air, and the pressure applied helps the chemicals permeate the wood even more.

Following the chemical treatment, the wood is subjected to stringent quality checks to ensure that it can resist ignition and slow the spread of fire. If the wood has a flame spread index of less than 25 after being burned for more than 25 minutes, it is considered safe. The panels are fireproof due to pressure rather than a coating on top.

Applications of fire-rated plywood

Plywood is a versatile building material that can be used both inside and outside. Because of their low cost and durability, they are increasingly being used in the production of interior decorative wall panels. In public places such as classrooms, auditoriums, dining halls, and hospitals, fire-resistant versions are installed.

Reasons to use fire-rated plywood

Using plywood and board that is resistant to fire is beneficial for many reasons. A few of them are mentioned below:

Reduced losses from fires

Even the most effective fire prevention measures cannot prevent every unintentional fire. Because they prevent fires from spreading, fire-resistant materials such as plywood and boards are the best way to treat them. Because of its low flammability, it has a milder impact in the event of an accident.

Safety from rain and other wet conditions

Fire-rated boards and plywood have many advantages, including resistance to moisture and temperature changes. They are extremely durable and protect structures from the damaging effects of all types of weather. Any homeowner or business owner with a building that is subject to wet and windy conditions should prioritise fire-rated ply.

The best termite defence

Infestations of termites in both residential and commercial properties can result in costly repairs. Because it discourages the presence of insects, the chemical treatment on this plywood makes it an appealing material for use in residential and commercial construction projects. It also comes with a warranty that guarantees it will withstand any pest invasion.

Enough time for people to get away

Property damage and economic losses can be compensated for in the event of a fire, but the loss of life is irreversible. People frequently perish in fires because they do not have enough time to escape. The fireproof plywood used in construction slows the spread of fire, giving people more time to escape or locate the source of the fire.

Low smoke emission

When there is no way out and the area is confined, victims die from smoke inhalation and exposure to toxic gases such as carbon monoxide. It makes it more difficult to get people out. The use of fireproof plywood and boards reduces smoke and heat, making an exit safer.

Transportability and personalisation

Victims die from smoke inhalation and exposure to toxic gases such as carbon monoxide when there is no way out and the area is confined. It makes getting people out more difficult. The use of fire-resistant plywood and boards reduces smoke and heat, making exits safer.

Buying fire-resistant plywood and boards in Australia

After learning about the exceptional benefits of this plywood, the question of purchasing it arises. If you're looking for high-quality fire-rated board and veneer in Australia, look no further. Getting ahead with one of the most reputable and well-known manufacturers, such as Matilda Veneer, can be a good deal. Fireply X®, Matilda fireply, and Hoop Pine FR Panel are among their fire-rated solutions.

The Fireply X® by Matilda Veneer is available in a variety of perforated options in eight on-trend colours, all certified as Fire Hazard Group 2, making it suitable for use in almost all areas of all Class 2-9 buildings as defined by the Australian Building Code (BCA).

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