Find a Healthy And Tasteful Range Of Match Green Tea From Online Suppliers

Posted by Key Matcha
Dec 4, 2015
 If you are also among those who are looking for a healthy brew alternative, the matcha tea is definitely the answer. The drink was originally consumed by Buddhist monks over several thousands of years ago as it assists them to bear long hours of meditation. In the recent years, the tea has come to western markets and now it is the popular choice among the health enthusiasts.

The difference in the matcha green tea lies in its unique style of production, which involves a meticulous method of farming, drying, and powdering. In order to produce it, a vigorous process is applied that starts with the picking of the finest quality young tea leaves by experienced hands. The plant where it is from has been shaded specifically to provide shade for this plant for several weeks before harvest. This specific method results in the darker green color of the leaves because of the high antioxidant potency and chlorophyll content. Subsequently, the leaves are dried then these are grounded using heavy stones to yield a jade powder. The grinding of these leaves is another careful process where after an hour of labor only 30-gram powder is produced. All these careful and time-taking procedures make it more expensive.

However, there is no doubt that this green matcha tea is worth every penny owing to its high health benefits that provide complete physical and mental fitness. It fights cancer, induce a calming effect, lowers the bad cholesterol that results in weight loss. Various women also like to brew this tea owing to its anti-aging properties. Some studies have also shown that the tea helps to improve your memory and learning capabilities. While another research has proved that matcha contains 37 times more ECGC when compared to a regular green tea. There are several health advantages of taking it, which only a super-food can give you.

You can also enjoy the health benefits and authentic taste of matcha tea by purchasing this from a trusted matcha supplier online. There are various suppliers, available on the web who offer various grades of this green tea at reasonable rates. From royal grade ceremonial matcha to daily choice matcha tea, these shops offer all the varieties that can suit your budget and taste. As matcha tea is unique to Japan, always be sure that the supplier source the tea from the Japan. For this, checking the online reviews of the pre-customers can be helpful for you.

To know more visit:  Matcha Green Tea

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