Fight against chronic back pain with remedial massage

Dec 12, 2022

The modern way of life has led to the fact that every second inhabitant of the Earth suffers from back pain. We spend a lot of time in offices, at computers, driving cars, carrying heavy bags from stores. Naturally, it is difficult for a person to allocate time for trips to the pool, gym, or banal walks. All this negatively affects the state of our musculoskeletal system, therefore, waking up one morning, we experience hellish back pain, we cannot straighten up.

According to the experts' remedial massage Coburg, the treatment of such problems should be comprehensive. Remedial massage is an effective way to treat and prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system.


What is a RemedialMassage?

It is already difficult to say when a person realized that rubbing and massaging painful points improves the patient's condition. Healers on different continents at the same time began to introduce this technique, gradually developing it.

Nowadays, remedial massage is a set of mechanical, as well as reflex effects on the tissues and organs of the patient with the help of manual techniques (exposure by the hands of a masseur) or devices through the skin to achieve a remedial effect.

Effects of Remedial Massage

Depending on the chosen technique and the use of various devices, remedial massage can have many useful remedial effects:

  • Activate the drainage function of organs;

  • Positively affect the reflexogenic zones on the skin, which in turn activate the relevant organs;

  • Restore metabolic processes;

  • Optimize the outflow of lymph;

  • Reduce muscle tone;

  • Relieve pain;

  • Strengthen the muscular frame;

  • Improve local blood circulation;

  • Reduce the focus of inflammation;

  • Enhance the production of endorphins.


Usually, people come to massage therapists who complain of back pain, while having various diseases associated with the spine:

  • Herniated discs;

  • Deforming spondylarthrosis;

  • Sciatica;

  • Myositis;

  • Osteochondrosis;

  • Radiculitis;

  • Scoliosis.


But not only vertebrologists (doctors involved in the treatment of diseases of the spine) refer their patients to remedial massage. Manual therapy can help with diseases such as:

  • Bronchial asthma;

  • Bronchitis (in the sub-acute or chronic stage);

  • Hypertension;

  • Violation of intestinal motility;

  • Pneumonia;

  • Angina pectoris;

  • Chronic gastritis;

  • Gastric ulcer.

In diseases of the respiratory system, remedial massage will help activate the drainage function of the bronchi, improve blood circulation, and accelerate the resorption of the inflammatory focus. Reflexogenic effects on the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system will also improve their condition; will allow them to cope with the disease faster.

Of course, remedial massage cannot become the main method of treating such pathologies, but it will help to significantly improve the physical and psychological state of patients.

Differences from classical massage

Many patients, going for a remedial massage, consider it a waste of time and money, since "the wife can massage the back at home." Such a judgment is erroneous since remedial massage is different from the classical one.

Classical massage is aimed at general warming up and relaxation of the back muscles and eliminating discomfort. It is an excellent and effective way to prevent the development of diseases of the spinal column, allows you to relax, has a cosmetic effect.

Remedial massage is a directed effect on certain areas, the purpose of which is to restore the function of the organ, eliminate the existing symptoms. Such a massage can be carried out only by a qualified specialist like the experts at remedial massage Coburg. Having learned the diagnosis of the patient, the expert selects the appropriate technique, the strength of the impact, the number of sessions. In addition, like any remedial procedure, massage has several contraindications. Only your doctor will be able to determine the appropriateness of a remedial massage in your case.

Remedial back massage is both the main and additional method of correcting pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, muscle muscles, and ligaments. In complex treatment, this technique has comparable to drug therapy, physiotherapy.

Massage effect relieves pain, eliminates stagnant and inflammatory processes, and relieves chronic fatigue and functional blocks. However, the procedure will bring the desired result only if the rules and techniques of execution are observed.

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