Fiber Competitors Pros and Cons

Posted by Jace Harold
May 11, 2020

Fiber internet’s biggest competitors are Cable, DSL and Wireless internet. DSL Internet is made by copper phone lines that have been the norm for over a hundred of years already. Cable internet also uses copper but unlike the DSL internet, it uses coaxial cables which are originally used for cable TV services. Fixed wireless internet is like cell phone services, it is provided by using radio waves broadcasted from towers and then sent over by the frequencies. 

You can never really tell what is the best internet service in your area without acknowledging the pros and cons of each service that a provider can give. Best internet service in Manila can go from fiber optics to fixed wireless internet. 

Cable Internet Pros and Cons

Cable internet is one of the most affordable internet options here in the Philippines but unfortunately, you get what you pay for since their speeds are not fast as fiber or wireless and usually include data caps. 

Cable can reach the download speed of 100 mbps but cable internet is shared from a central node where the ISP meets the local coaxial network meaning anywhere between 100-2000 homes have to share a single node. Sharing internet connection like this often leads to low speeds during peak use hours of the consumers. In order for it to be managed, companies have been throttling users internet that means they slow down your bandwidth use after you reached a certain amount. The idea behind it is to give everyone sharing the node an even amount of service but can often be frustrating for the consumers end. Cable companies have also been known to put capacity on how much data you actually need and then will charge you extra for additional data that you will avail. 

DSL Pros and Cons

DSL does the least amount of damage both economically and environmentally. The copper cables that are used can usually be found even in the most rural areas because it was originally used for telephone connections. Cables can be reused so new building projects are not really necessary. 

Copper wires can do serious damage if not installed and maintained properly. They can release electromagnetic currents that can interfere with the wire and damage a network. Fiber cables will neither release electromagnetic waves nor be damaged by them. They are made from glass and or plastic therefore unaffected by the harmful waves. 

Fixed Wireless Pros and Cons

As a proof to its name, fixed wireless truly is a wire free internet connection. Once a tower goes up, radio waves transmit a carrier signal that has the data on it across different frequencies. This wireless means fewer materials are needed bringing down the overall cost of building, purchasing and maintaining infrastructures. It also can mean no fallen cables resulting in loss of service. 

Choosing fixed wireless, the biggest limitation will be that the consumer’s antenna has to be within the line of sight of the provider’s wireless tower. If a line of sight can not be established, for example, if you live in a hilly area, wireless connection will definitely not be an option for you.

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