Features, uses and functions of otoacoustic emissions and other hearing audiology devices

Posted by Sonic Equipment
Oct 20, 2023

The word audio means "hear," while the word logy means "study of." Thus, audiology is defined as the science of hearing. In medicine, audiology is the study of hearing, balance, and related problems. Clinical audiology is concerned with the operation of the human ear, which influences hearing sensitivity and balance. Hearing losses can be classified according to how they occur. Congenital hearing loss occurs when hearing loss is evident at birth. If it develops later in life, it is referred to as acquired hearing loss; if the problem worsens, it is referred to as progressive hearing loss.  


Study of all types of hearing losses is done under hearing audiology. Hearing loss can be categorised into below types:  


Conductive Hearing Loss: This occurs when there is a problem with the outer or middle ear that prevents sound from being properly conveyed. Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent. Many children experience three or more episodes of ear infections, which can fill the middle ear space with fluid and cause temporary conductive hearing loss.  


Sensorineural Hearing Loss: This hearing audiology refers to the study of problems in the cochlea or inner ear, and is almost always permanent. Hearing loss can occur due to many reasons, like genetic or syndromic, and can result due to infections, high fevers, head trauma, or due to some prescription medications.   


Mixed Hearing Loss: This part of hearing audiology involves the study and examination of hearing loss occurring due to both conductive and sensorineural components. The conductive component affects the outer/middle ear, while the sensorineural component results due to problem with the inner ear.   


Central Hearing Loss: This part of hearing audiology refers to how well the central nervous system transmits and uses auditory information. Disorders can include problems with determining where a sound is coming from, and excessive difficulty understanding speech and auditory signals in poor listening conditions, such as noisy settings.   


Hearing loss is detected by screening and testing auditory system through appropriate testing, like otoacoustic emissions. Hearing tests are used to determine below four things:  


Significance: The hearing audiology test will determine if the hearing loss is mild, moderate, severe, or profound.  


Type: This determines if the hearing loss is caused by problems in getting the sound into the inner ear where it can then be heard.   

Configuration: The test results will show if your hearing is better or worse at certain tones. The patient's hearing loss can be equal to or flat across all pitches, or better at either the low or high pitches.  

Intervention Recommendations: Based on the hearing loss test outcomes, the audiologist will take treatment decisions and strategies that will most benefit the patient.   


Audiologists use otoacoustic emissions (OAE) testing on individuals with suspected hearing loss who cannot tolerate or complete standard hearing exams. Otoacoustic emissions are noises produced by the cochlea and transported through the middle ear to the external canal, where they can be recorded. Otoacoustic emissions are a sign of inner ear health and a straightforward approach to check for hearing loss. OAEs contribute to differential audiological diagnosis by providing a straightforward, efficient, and non-invasive sign of healthy cochlear function. OAE recordings are made using an ear canal probe that is placed deeply into the ear canal. 


For hospitals and private healthcare practitioners in need of otoacoustic emissions devices, Sonic Equipment has brought some of the best quality devices in Australia from top brands in the industry. The otoacoustic emissions devices available at Sonic Equipment include:  


GSI Corti: This battery-powered portable otoacoustic emissions detector can detect OAEs in newborns, children, and adults. The hearing audiology device complies with all approved hearing screening methods and allows you to quickly screen babies and perform diagnostic OAE testing.  


IHS Duet: This AEP & OAE solution is designed to provide audiologists with improved clinical experience. This sleek, portable and versatile clinical EP comes with an optional OAE system. The next-generation bio-amplifier brings you superior data quality for evoked potentials and otoacoustic emissions.   


GSI Novus: This sleek, handheld, comprehensive newborn screener is easy to use, and provides consistently accurate results. The device features a touch screen display and intuitive software in a compact hardware design, and comes with a long-lasting battery. The device may be configured with any combination of auditory brainstem response (ABR) and otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE and DPOAE), which allows for seamless, two-stage infant hearing screening.   


Maico Ero.Scan: This device used in hearing audiology offers frequency specific TEOAE and/or DPOAE evaluation with easy handling. Its sharp organic LED display presents line and bar diagrams for easy and direct evaluation. You can choose between ERO.SCAN with screening or diagnostic functions. The device allows for quick assessment of the auditory system up to the cochlea with Pass or Refer outcomes.   

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