FastPass WEB security certified as Very High
WEB security certified as being Very High by independant certifier!
We recognize that by being supplier of security and authentication software, our clients puts a level of thrust into our hands. To live up to these requirements all SW-development and testing aims at securing the highest WEB-application security standards.
We recognize and accept the leading international WEB-application security standards formulated by multiple organizations:
SANS cyber
The latest version of FastPass 3.5 has been tested against the tough requirements from all three standards by Indusface Ptv.Ltd. Indusface is an authorized scanning vendor and is used by more than 700 large companies and SW-developers world-wide to assure that WEB-applications are safe for users and organizations.
The scanning of FastPass included more than 5000 different types of attacks against the FastPass Cloud configuration. Indusface has now certified that FastPass passes all requirements. For more details please see /password-reset/web-security-level-very-high!.aspx
The conclusion after all the tests is:
The application FastPass Password Manager v. 3.5.2 is free from any severe vulnerability threat and safe to carry out transaction. The Web Client and the Mobile Client for the FastPass system was found to be very secure as no vulnerabilities were uncovered in this security audit. The environment is tested against OWASP and SANS guidelines and the application was found safe against them. The tested environment passes the PCI scan requirements. Vulnerabilities with a risk level of medium (CVSS level 4.0) or higher were NOT discovered. The overall security level is noted as Very High
FastPassCorp is committed to continued emphasis on the highest security standards for the development of all our enterprise password self service SW-products and Cloud services for our customers.
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