Fashion “sense”- Smart ways to shop sensibly
As much as the trends are significant, keeping up with them has
become even more imperative. The things
that you can keep in mind while going shopping are that the fabrics used to
make the garments are of decent quality and do not compromise on the
environment. Go for wool or cloth and natural fabrics rather than the
plastic-based materials.
Polyester is not only non- biodegradable, but also the fabric is
not suitable for your skin.
- Swap and Second-hand: If the thought of buying second-hand clothes makes
you cringe or the concept does not fit your personality, you might not be
aware of some facts about high-end designer apparel.
Most of the dresses are made for a one time wear only, kept
untouched after one use. Stores are coming up that insist on the idea that
high-end clothing lines haven’t been used, which will be better used and not
just sitting in wardrobes to be shunned after years.
Many fast fashion brands are also starting initiatives to gather
up old clothes, and in return, you can either take store credit or new clothes
- Rent it out: Count the number of times you wore your prom dress
other than the day. Twice or stretching it out five times. Why? Because on
that was a super expensive dress and you don’t want to spoil it, and
second, you cannot keep wearing the same dress to all the parties that
come up. Renting solves both these problems.
You can get as many new styles without having to spend a fortune
only to sit in your wardrobe after one wear. A few of the high-end fashion
stores providing such facilities are Rent The Runway, Le Tote, Amoire, Glam
Corner, and more. Of course, you need to return the clothes in the condition
you got them in, but that is the least of the problems. This was you help cut
down on a lot of textile waste, and you get the best trends at the best prices!
- A little Extra!: Instead of the hours you spend on shopping sites and
Pinterest to find that perfect outfit, take out a little bit of your time
and research in-depth about the fashion giants that you generally boy your
clothes from. The companies who mass produce clothes hardly ever pay
attention to the working conditions under which they manufacture the said
Make sure you shun such brands or at least stop frequenting such
stores. Human rights violations by many such brands is not a new thing. Be
aware of what goes into making the product so you can wear it guilt-free.
Helping the environment as well as the people in every way possible is worth
all the effort. A little less selfish and a lot more selfless.
- Donate:
As simple as it sounds, that is the maximum you can do with minimum
effort. You have the privilege of buying new trends as and when they come
but think about the hundreds of children and other underprivileged people
out there who cannot afford simple clothing. All it takes is a little
effort so that the clothes can be reused and you can bring a smile on
someone’s face. What is the cost? Nothing, so why not go ahead and do a
good deed.
- Made for you: It is always better to go for tailored clothing, as
not only does it fit you perfectly, but also you get to choose the fabrics
you want your clothes in. You can always choose the best materials, ones
that fit your need as well as your pocket.
- Quality matters: If you have started on a path that leads to your peace
of mind, you need to elevate a little from the external virtual world.
Because being classy never goes out of fashion. You wear your personality,
reflecting from the kind of clothes you wear so the next time a
low-quality dress tempts you because of a few bucks.
- Versatile clothing: Buying stuff that you don’t have to throw or to push
it further deep down in your wardrobe after one wear or one wash is
stupid. Buy products and designs that are evergreen. Mix and match to
create your unique style.
- Upcycle: DIY is in, and why not? If you can create something new from the old mundane designs, which saves you the money and you buy less, reducing lesser textile waste.
- Needs more than the Wants: Yes, it is agreeable to want all the new trends but
think again that at the pace that we are going, is it worth it? When you
will not have an earth to live in, how much would your clothes matter? Get
what you need and think before binge shopping?
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