Factors to Consider Before Buying a Dog Nail Grinder

Posted by Jasbir Kaur
Apr 4, 2019

Nail grinders have gradually taken over nail clippers as the commonly used tool for trimming your pet’s nails. Any dog owner knows what a challenging experience grooming can be if not done right. While a dog nail grinder makes your work significantly easier, there are still a few pitfalls that you might want to avoid while choosing the right dog nail grinder. The right choice will make the experience easier and less anxious for your furry companion and, in the process, make your work a great deal less tiring.

Let us take a look at some of the key things you should absolutely keep in mind while purchasing a dog nail grinder so that you can make the most out of it.


l  The rotation speed of the grinders: Rotation speed in dog nail grinders vary because different types of nail require different speeds of rotation to be ground. The type if dog nail varies from breed to breed. Big dogs like a Saint Bernard, usually have thick nails which can be ground using high rotation speeds. Smaller breeds, like a poodle, have softer nails and do not require high speeds on the grinder. Usually, most grinders allow adjustment to the rotation speed, but in case it does not, it is important that you know what kind of nail your dog has and the grinding speed that is needed for the proper trimming of the nails.


l  Battery power: This is another very important factor to account in while choosing a dog nail grinder. Most dog nail grinders are cordless. Corded grinders have limitations, like the area of operation of the grinder has to be near a power outlet. Grinders connected to a direct power source also runs the risk of electrocution in case of a shortage. Cordless nail grinders, on the other hand, allow you to use the grinder outdoors which can help you prevent creating a mess indoors. Cordless grinders usually come with an internal battery which can be recharged by connecting to a power source. It is important to check the battery power of the grinder before buying it. Often a grooming session can last very long depending on how thick the nails are. You must, therefore, choose a grinder that can last the entire grooming session, one where you would not have to recharge midway or leave the grooming incomplete.


l  Look out for heating issues: Grinding of nails is done where a rough surface rotating at a very high speed is used to file off the nail. This friction generates a lot of heat. This heat coupled with the heat generated from using the grinder can make it very hot which could singe your dog and hurt him. You must choose a model that generates less heat from the internal motors so that the grinder does not become too hot. It is also important to give pauses during the grooming session so that the grinder can cool off a little, which will prevent your dog from being hurt or injured.


l  Ease of use: Like almost every other electronic equipment, you must choose a design that is comfortable to hold. For example, if you have a squirmy and nervous dog, you might want to consider a model with a good grip so that it does not accidentally slip and injure your dog. Choose grinders which have an ergonomic design, which is easy to clean and can be used without a lot of hassle. Your nail grinder must neither be too heavy to use nor too big that it does not allow you to properly grind nails. A good quality nail grinder usually comes with multiple grinding stones and grit band, along with batteries and components which are easy to replace or switch out.


The products that are available in the market can be used for most dogs. If you have a big dog, you might want to invest a little more in procuring a grinder that is better suited for your dog’s needs. Getting the right nail grinder for your dog can make grooming a much less challenging experience for you and for your pet. Here I share the link of Best Dog Nail Grinder Review Post.


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