Exploring the Path of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training and yoga certification online

Posted by Swati Saxena
Aug 12, 2024

Due to its constantly evolving scenario and robust history, Ashtanga Yoga is one of the world's most recognized and intense forms of yoga. A yoga-style with a set series of postures and breath synchronization known as Vinyasa, Ashtanga Yoga has been propagated from the teachings of K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. For those who sense a calling to convey the profound advantages of this approach, Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training presents a way to deepen one's practice and become a certified instructor. 

The Journey of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training

In Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in France, the learner must invest time and effort. Conventional methods meant these trainers needed to go to India or other places where other certified teachers provided intensive courses. But thanks to technological advancement, specifically internet use in conducting activities, this kind of journey could be done within the comfort of one's home. 

The Structure of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training

An AYTT program is generally split into several key elements:

Asana Practice: The physical postures are the basis of Ashtanga Yoga. Teacher training concerns the everyday routine of the Primary Series, highlighting alignment, breath, and flow. Advanced learners may also study the Intermediate Series.

Pranayama: Breathing is an important aspect of Ashtanga Yoga. Some procedures from teacher training include the ability of practitioners to control breath to enhance the practice and focus on the mind.

Philosophy: Ashtanga Yoga is established on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, an element of Hindu ideology. These teachings are incorporated into teacher training, and learners are equipped with knowledge of the eight stems of yoga: the Yamas and Niyamas, meditation, the top objective of Samadhi, or civilization.

Anatomy: Thus, the mechanical concept of the body is vital when instructing yoga. The training is carried out within the framework of AYTT programs that comprise the profound analysis of the human body, the ways it moves in asanas, and the prevention of injuries.

Teaching Methodology: Learning to teach is a critical part of AYTT. Trainees are taught how to instruct students safely and effectively, offer adjustments, and create a supportive learning environment.

Self-Practice and Reflection: A significant part of any yoga teacher training involves self-practice. This aspect encourages trainees to deepen their practice, reflect on their experiences, and integrate the teachings into their daily lives.

The Benefits of Online Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training

The digital age has revolutionized how we approach education, and yoga teacher training is no exception. Online Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training programs offer several advantages:

Accessibility: For many, traveling to India or another country for several weeks or months is not feasible due to financial, work, or family commitments. 

Flexibility: Online programs often offer a flexible schedule, allowing students to complete the training at their own pace. 

Affordability: Online training is often more affordable than in-person programs because it does not require travel, accommodation, or other expenses. 

Diverse Learning Resources: Online platforms can offer many resources, including video lectures, written materials, and live Q&A sessions. 

Global Community: Online training connects students with a global community of practitioners and teachers. This network can provide support, inspiration, and opportunities for collaboration long after the training is complete.

Choosing the Right Online Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training Program

With many online options, choosing the right Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training program can be daunting. Here are some factors to consider:

Certification and Accreditation: Ensure the program is certified by a reputable organization like the Yoga Alliance. 

Experienced Instructors: Research the instructors' backgrounds. Look for teachers with extensive experience in Ashtanga Yoga, ideally those trained directly under senior teachers or in Mysore.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Check the curriculum to ensure it covers all the critical aspects of Ashtanga Yoga, including asana practice, philosophy, pranayama, anatomy, and teaching methodology.

Student Support: Look for programs that offer robust student support, including opportunities for live interaction, mentorship, and feedback on your practice and teaching.

Reviews and Testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from past students to get a sense of their experiences and the quality of the training.

Cost and Payment Plans: Consider the program's cost and whether it offers payment plans or scholarships to make it more affordable.

Post-Certification: The Path Ahead

Completing an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training program is just the beginning of the journey. As a certified instructor, you will have the knowledge and skills to teach Ashtanga Yoga, but the learning never stops. Here are some steps to consider after yoga certification online:

Continued Practice: Maintain and deepen your practice. Ashtanga Yoga is a lifelong journey; personal experience will significantly inform your teaching.

Teaching Experience: Start teaching, even for small groups or private clients. The more you teach, the more confident and competent you will become.

Advanced Training: Consider pursuing advanced teacher training or specialized workshops to deepen your knowledge and expand your teaching repertoire.

Networking: Stay connected with the global Ashtanga community by attending workshops, retreats, and conferences to learn from other teachers and build your network.

Self-Care and Reflection: Teaching yoga can be demanding, so practicing self-care and reflecting is essential. This will help you stay balanced and inspired in your teaching journey. 

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