Everything about Cataract Eye Surgery

Posted by Rajeev Kumar
Apr 24, 2017
As soon as we enter the mid ages of our lives, many of our senses start to degrade. From taste buds to our vision it all begins to fade away. And, the weakening of eyes post 50s is an undeniable fact. However, it gets worse when the weakening of eyes is backed up with certain eye diseases – especially Cataract. Cataract or what is popularly called ‘Motiabind’ in India is a problem that leads to clouding against the eye lens. The lens of our eyes is made up of a water and protein molecules. Due to various problems like stress hypertension, diabetes, etc. the protein molecules of the cell starts to clog together. This causes a formation of an opaque layer against the lens of our eyes which causes blurred vision. It is one such eye problem which cannot be corrected by the use of lenses or glasses. Even surgeries like LASIK – A corneal refractive surgery to correct vision sightedness – can also not correct cataract. The only treatment that is particularly designed to get rid of the problem of cataract is the cataract eye surgery. 

In the surgery, the ophthalmologist removes the damaged lens from the eye. A new IOL (Intra Ocular Lens) is then placed as the replacement of the damaged lens. Post the surgery your vision might turn as clear as it was earlier. But, it can also be a little weaker leading you to use glasses as a protective measure to restrain any sort of further damage to the eyes.  Nonetheless, over past many years the technology and methodology of treating cataract has undergone much advancement. As a result to which, the technique of cataract eye surgery has become more of a refractive surgery. This has also reduced the chances of using glasses post surgery. 

Some of the most commonly used surgical techniques to correct cataract are Robotic Laser Assisted cataract surgery, Phacoemulsification, and Micro Incision Cataract surgery. Currently, the leading treatment technology spread across the world is laser assisted cataract surgery. In this treatment, the Femtosecond laser technology is used. This technique is most favorable because it is a blade free procedure that is carried on with a laser technology approved by FDA. The process of surgery is quick and easy. It takes less than a minute for the laser to correct your eyes by removing the damaged lens. The corneal incisions, fragmentations and capsular openings are all precise because they are automated. Hence, the fear of mistakes during the manual blade cutting is eradicated. On top of all, this surgery also enables the correction of astigmatism and leads to a better and clearer vision after a quick recovery. 

In India, Laser Eye surgery costs are not really high, as we assume. In fact, you can find some of the best eye doctors in Delhi, Jaipur, Indore, Agra, and a few other cities of India. Also, the laser eye surgery cost in Delhi and these other cities is very affordable and reasonable.

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