Estes Combine Concaves: How to Prevent Yield Loss

Posted by Estes Concaves
Jan 25, 2022
If you’re farming, you know how important it is to take care of your combine machine and harvest your crops, as this helps prevent yield loss while also maximizing your revenue. But did you know that there are certain tools that can help you even further? Concaves are one of these tools, and they can boost the number of crops you get at the end of the harvest season by about 5%. Read on to learn more about how this specific piece of equipment works, why it’s so helpful for you.

Why Use Estes Concaves for Your Combine

Prevent Rotor Loss: Each rotor combination loses 2-5 bushels per acre, amounting to a loss of up to $30k every 1,000 acres of soybeans. Our concave system helps in stopping rotor loss and is suitable for all types of crops. Also, you won’t need to change the concaves more often from crop to crop as they are designed to work on all types of crops. Hence, they quickly pay for themselves.

Less Grain Damage: By helping you maintain the rotor full, our concaves optimize material-on-material threshing. This results in more effective threshing than stock concaves. Also, you get fewer cracks, splits, and particles from grain-on-steel threshing. All of this translates to extra money in your pocket.

Number 1 Concave System on the Market: At Estes, we use state-of-the-art technology to design and manufacture high-quality concave systems. Our concave system is very efficient for most advanced combines like John Deere and Case IH Combines. Till now, none of the combine concave from the other company could outperform Estes Concave. And, we don’t just stop there and never stop striving to be better than we were yesterday.

Increased Profitability: When you use Estes Concaves you don’t need to change concaves from crop to crop. Increase ground speed by 1-3 mph and threshing surface area by 135 percent over round bars, allowing the grain to be threshed and caught faster. This implies that the separation section will no longer be overburdened, and ground speeds will be slower.

Saves Money in the long run: Though they are ample benefits of using Estes combine concaves, one significant benefit is that they are affordable and also save you money in the long run. Farmers don’t have to change concaves from crop to crop and they do not require regular maintenance which saves a lot of money every year. Also, Estes concaves can work in all types of field conditions which is another advantage. One set of Estes concaves can work for years without any worry and are easy to operate.

Easy to Install:Estes Concaves are easy-to-install, and can help you avoid yield loss on your farm. Using concave discs can also reduce your costs. In fact, combine manufacturers design their machinery with concave discs specifically for that purpose—if they didn’t work, they wouldn’t have them!
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